Marriage Candidates

Whose your favorite marriage candidate and why?
I found that I don't know much about the marriage candidates, except what I don't like about all of them. Seriously, if they have bad equalities I sniff them out..... I know they have good qualities too and got curious as to what other people think about them. Mind you I only play Vanilla SDV any character's from mods even SDVE I will not know.... :dust:
So far I find Shane the most relatable and easiest for me to understand. I feel like that's a bad thing though :sweat:
For me it is Sebby, I couldn't can resist a freelance programmer who stays up late, plays an instrument, likes his independence and who is also handy since he can be spotted working on his motorcycle lol. Cute nerd + capable = awesome.

There's a post from a few months back that had an poll and discussion that might be illuminating. I found the variety of answers there to be neat and it made me curious to see if I could find the appeal mentioned for each of the different characters. I'm sure the answers today will be equally as different and interesting since quite a few new folks have joined. Each person seems to spot different things in the dialogs and behaviors that I find interesting.

I don't think its bad to relate to any character you want. I've seen people mention Shane with fondness in quite a few places, his dialogs change quite a bit as friendship evolves. 🌸
It's true that Shane can be very kind, I think the first time you really get a glimpse of that side is the First Egg Festival as he talks about the chickens. I just think Shane has a very rough time and doesn't trust people easy. Most likely he had a rough time and faced hardship of some kind growing up and as a teenager...
I never really though about it that way before... Interesting.
Thanks for sharing the link. I had no clue that was even there it's definitely worth reading too!
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You're welcome. I agree, he absolutely can be kind! What you say makes perfect sense, it just takes a while for him to let his guard down and communicate. Plus he is kinda sweet with his chicken thing. lol

I look forward to reading the thoughts of new folks on favorite spouses too. I think for some their choice might evolve over time, and for others there's just something in the dialogs that just draws the player to a certain character or two over the others, and that's kind of great. 😁


As I first started playing, I had no idea how the heart system worked and didn't notice that Clint could not be married... so he was my candidate for a while. Then it became obvious he only had eyes for Emily, so I though, meh, no handy blacksmiths for you, better stay single!

I can't really get into in-character romance with any other marriage candidates. Most of them would have absolutely no interest in living on a farm (the younger generation desperately wants to leave town and never look back, they would consider themselves failures if they had to settle for raking chicken muck and chopping wood on a farm), plus they are really really TOO young for me and my farmer. The older generation are extremely artsy and, again, destined for higher things than raking chicken poop, and are rather dismissive of 'country life'. That leaves Shane and Harvey.

Now, I like Shane as a character, and support his recovery wholeheartedly, but marrying a recovering alcoholic is not something I'd like to do for fun in a relaxing game, if you know what I mean.

Harvey, then.

Ah, Harvey. The invisible man, He of the Moping Mustache.

Perhaps I'd better stay single a bit longer.


Haley is my favorite. I have played multiple files and married someone different each time. I was surprised how much I liked her. In my opinion she has the best character growth of anyone else. She obviously starts out not very nice and kinda stereotype, but she really grows overtime. She eventually becomes very sweet and caring and surprisingly funny.
Haley is my favorite. I have played multiple files and married someone different each time. I was surprised how much I liked her. In my opinion she has the best character growth of anyone else. She obviously starts out not very nice and kinda stereotype, but she really grows overtime. She eventually becomes very sweet and caring and surprisingly funny.
I love how Haley has great growth too! I think it's sweet and like all things, it takes time. Reminds me of flowers, they need a bit of patience and love before they bloom. Just don't dump water of Haley too!!!! :wink:
Ah, Harvey. The invisible man, He of the Moping Mustache.
That really is a fantastic way to put it. Although, I always seem to forget that he is a marriage candidate. So, when I check the hearts in the menu I feel surprised when I see "single" under his name. Kindda feel bad :sweat: it's just so hard to remember he's there, I guess(?) Literally the only one I constantly forget.
But, it would be nice if Clint were on that list. Give you a chance to take him away from Emily....
Let's just ignore that she doesn't have any clue that he is interested....


Maru is of course clearly the best of all of the marriageable NPCs, as we've discussed in many previous versions of this thread. :maru:

But this does an excellent job of explaining why I kind of feel bad about marrying her:
(the younger generation desperately wants to leave town and never look back, they would consider themselves failures if they had to settle for raking chicken muck and chopping wood on a farm), plus they are really really TOO young for me and my farmer.
She's awesome, but she's too awesome to stay in Pelican Town. And they're all super-young, but the premise of the game is pretty clearly that the Farmer is also a young adult, so I try to just go with it and remember what it was like to be that age rather than ... um, probably older than Demetrius at this point... 👴


In my four save files, I've married Elliot, Sebastian and have a mermaid pendant for Harvey. The 4th I haven't decided yet. I think I've just gotten old though. Most of the single folks are very self-absorbed and their chatter is off-putting. But while I have frustrations with the relationships mechanics of the game, I'm more interested in the characters who have some awareness of self and others, as well as compassion. Harvey has those qualities so I'm going to bank on him this time around.

He has had to put a lot of work into becoming a doctor (he mentions having gone to college for 8 years to do it) and that's more processing time than the younger folks have yet had. He also works directly with his fear, as described in his 10-heart event. So we'll see how that goes.


I picked Harvey for a couple of reasons: the first was because I never saw him listed on any of these types of posts. I felt bad for the guy! The second reason is that he wears glasses and looks older than most of the single males. I'm a senior and my character is basically me. So I felt like I was "robbing the cradle" by choosing someone who looked like a kid. So far he's been wonderful. I let you all figure out why.
At first, I was not interested in marrying. I am going to let the chase happen.
I married someone who posted the most "help wanted board" by increasing 1 heart after completing a quest.
Surprise, I thought I would end up with Shane but it's Sebastian.
I was a bit worried because I was wondering what is going on between him and Abigail.
If you happen to read Abigail's doctor visit and seeing her alone with Sebastian, you know what I am trying to mean.
That's the second reason why I marry him to see Abigail's reaction.
Abigail does not care and Sebastian never cheated on me! LOL I want some drama but never happens anyway

Isn't it weird that I started liking him after giving birth to my first child?
Overall, being with him feels pleasant and amazing. I love his sense of humor and the smirk on his face.
If he needs time alone, I am happy anyway because I am a loner too. I don't mind seeing him being with Abigail and Sam again.

I am looking forward to marrying someone else in another save. Hopefully, it won't be Sebastian again.
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I know many of you who chose Harvey for a reason.

I want to share my thoughts on the marriage 'age gap.'
Please do not feel guilty. I have seen people who are happily married no matter what age in real life.
Play Stardew Valley whatever you want. It's your universe, and it is yours only. No one has the right to judge you.
Leah is in 30ish. She is pretty popular among younger farmers. Do you know what I am trying to mean, ladies?
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I love how new facets always come out in further discussions, like the "underdog" characters and facets of how much some character arcs change at they become friended. There's never a shortage of new perspectives on things noticed or brought up, and it is pretty fascinating. Reading the different threads as a continuance adds to that fascination for me. ❤

I suppose it is most natural for players to play as themselves, but I honestly never really thought about it. For me, I took to heart the age the game set me as, and I still picture myself as that rather than my own age (which is still somewhat young, but not the twenties young that I think the game set me as). I suppose I approached it a bit like joining into a play with an established cast playing specific roles. I liked diving into that initial role, and expanding on it from there to 'fill in' my background. It still doesn't occur to me to play as my own age (and especially with early health limitations), because if I did I wouldn't be running around chopping trees all day or toiling away in the mines for sparklies lol. I enjoy that I can be 20 again in the game, burn the midnight oil, zoom around like an energizer bunny on copious amounts of coffee, who can just down some cheese or whatever and be 110% again. It's like nothing could possible stop me! For me, imposing my (or the world's, or anyone else's) reality on it, that just steals my fun. I'm for freedom from reality, basically snorting Stardew espresso at 1am, and doing some serious giggling zoomies on my horse (cinnamon) until thoroughly passing out... because, why not? Viva la Stardew liberté!

Hmm, now I might have to marry Harvey and then Hayley or Shane after that.
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I love how new facets always come out in further discussions, like the "underdog" characters and facets of how much some character arcs change at they become friended. There's never a shortage of new perspectives on things noticed or brought up, and it is pretty fascinating. Reading the different threads as a continuance adds to that fascination for me. ❤

I suppose it is most natural for players to play as themselves, but I honestly never really thought about it. For me, I took to heart the age the game set me as, and I still picture myself as that rather than my own age (which is still somewhat young, but not the twenties young that I think the game set me as). I suppose I approached it a bit like joining into a play with an established cast playing specific roles. I liked diving into that initial role, and expanding on it from there to 'fill in' my background. It still doesn't occur to me to play as my own age (and especially with early health limitations), because if I did I wouldn't be running around chopping trees all day or toiling away in the mines for sparklies lol. I enjoy that I can be 20 again in the game, burn the midnight oil, zoom around like an energizer bunny on copious amounts of coffee, who can just down some cheese or whatever and be 110% again. It's like nothing could possible stop me! For me, imposing my (or the world's, or anyone else's) reality on it, that just steals my fun. I'm for freedom from reality, basically snorting Stardew espresso at 1am, and doing some serious giggling zoomies on my horse (cinnamon) until thoroughly passing out... because, why not? Viva la Stardew liberté!

Hmm, now I might have to marry Harvey and then Hayley or Shane after that.
I made my char in this save with gray hair. Given Harvey thinks she's young maybe that's prematurely gray??

Lew Zealand

I don't have a favorite marriage candidate as I want to marry them all, though perhaps not simultaneously (yep, Rabbit's Foot still in my pocket). Can't really know who's the best until afterwards and since I've yet to find the multiple save file screen IRL, I'll proceed thusly in SDV. I'm 1/3 the way through and Haley is the best so far though tbh I have not spent enough time with Abby and especially Maru. I have a new save that's going slowly but I have no idea who it's going to be. I know who I prefer, but that may not happen. An unknown future, as it should be.

Regarding even Harvey's relative youth, I play SDV (and to some extent the forum here) as a full RPG and that includes being in character as Bobbi. Who is a lot younger than me and in many ways different than I was at that age. Unavoidably, she still shares many of my characteristics, but usually only the bad ones as the few good ones I've managed to eke out have been decades in the making, and Bobbi lacks that experience. However I am hopeful that she will learn a few things perhaps a bit more quickly as I have a rather thick skull which has been road tested on various occasions. I haven't managed to crack the pavement yet with it but equally, my skull has also given no quarter.
The worst is Maru. She drops out of college when you marry her. She gives up a future to be a housewife.
You can argue this is actually what has happened to me IRL.
In Maru's defense, school is not as important as you children and will never be nearly as rewarding. You can always learn and you don't need a building or even a "Professor" either. Your children do however need a parent to be there for them. I also study everything I feel like from psychology, biology as well as economics and accounting. I know I don't feel like I gave up my future, in fact I gained one well worth living.