Can someone please take a look at my smapi log to see if you can see why the game keeps crashing on a new save. over 150 mods but I have used closer to 200 on a previous save like 2 years ago (luckily pc can handle it). Not sure why this is happening all of a sudden. Thanks for any help in advance!


Can someone please take a look at my smapi log to see if you can see why the game keeps crashing on a new save. over 150 mods but I have used closer to 200 on a previous save like 2 years ago (luckily pc can handle it). Not sure why this is happening all of a sudden. Thanks for any help in advance!
I have an infinite loading screen when trying to start a new game, OR, if I try to explore the farm the game crashes trying to draw objects if that makes sense. I can explore the town but as soon I explore the farm the game crashes. But now, I can't even make it THAT far because infinite loading screen. Here is a link to the smapi log and a copy of the log itself, any help would be greatly appreciated! Also, whenever I click "skip intro" it doesn't actually skip for some reason.

I see in the SMAPI log you have a lot of errors with the greenhouse. I don't see you have any greenhouse change mod installed.
Have you removed any mods related to the greenhouse?

if no, then you can try resetting the game files:
See for instructions on resetting your game files! (This doesn't affect your save files.)
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It looks like there is a map file in Buildings named Greenhouse, which is supposed to be a texture. If you manually overwrote the GreenHouse.xnb file yourself, resetting your files as Ulyana suggested will fix it. Otherwise we'll need to figure out what mod is loading that asset to that path, fix it, and report it to the author.

(If resetting fixes it, try to avoid overwriting any game files in the future!)
thank you fellow farmers! for the life of me I could not figure out what was causing those issues, so I deleted the game, reinstalled, reinstalled smapi, and dragged mods over like 5 at a time to see what was causing the issue. I am now close to Summer year 1. I believe it may have been either the Downtown Zuzu mod or Ridgeside Village, as those 2 mods made the game take forever load to begin with. Thanks again folks for getting back to me! I thought no one would haha

also, I tried resetting content files first and that did nothing so I was beyond confused