Pet toys


I'd like to see pet toys added to the game. For cats, the most obvious approach would be a new "cat toy" bait item to put on the fishing rod, that would render the fishing rod useless for fishing but would provoke the butt-wiggle-and-pounce animation if cast near the cat. :cat: Crafting ingredients cloth + some fiber (representing catnip) + duck feather, perhaps.

In fairness, dogs should get something too, but I'm not sure what. Maybe using wood or driftwood in the slingshot could cause them to run off and fetch it? I'm not really a dog person so there are probably better ideas... I also don't know what if any rare but delightful animations already exist for the dog in-game that players might want to see more frequently.
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This sounds so cute! I think it would be fun to have an extra little thing for already existing tools to play with the pets. Maybe you can buy a rubber ball and slingshot it?
That's just begging for an accident outside the slime hutch. Pick up tennis ball and shoot it. Dog shakes the tennis ball. Look down to see scared slimes and the tennis ball you thought you shot