what is the weather in your place?


The sun is finally out after several days of raining :D! I haven't checked official temps, but it was chilly outside yesterday so I'm assuming it's chilly (40-50F) today too!
Nowadays, it's really hot at day and really cold at night in the city where I lived. It rains really hard sometimes too. I heard that there will be a storm going to hit my country, but I doubt it will hit my city. So we're pretty safe, because my city is surrounded by mountains... which... one of them... can explode someday. Hmm... I also heard that the volcanic activity across my country is increasing lately. But that's another story.


It's been all over the place here. It felt like summer on Sunday, then snowed a bunch on Monday. It was really nice Tuesday, and then cold on Wednesday and Thursday. We'll see how today goes I guess...


In Tennessee the weather is insane but rn it's cloudy and 36% F

A lot colder than most winters here in Tennessee...
Here in East Java, Indonesia, it almost rain literally every day. The temperature is very hot at day and very cold at night. Also, the wind howls pretty strong after the rain. Basically, the weather here can be quite unpredictable (and weird).


I am literally wearing 2 shirts and I'm inside a blanket while reading about your 40°C... It's raining here in Greece with 5°C lol


It was from September. Now it is cold and rainy! There were blizzards today! Those are rare!
I didn't even know Israel could have blizzards.

It's too cold to be outside in the northeast US but we have to because many of my classmates need mask breaks.

Dr. eeL

In San Diego, California, the skies are blue and cloudless 350 days of the year and the temperature is always in the mid 70s with an ocean breeze. Very nice if you want to spend a lot of time outside; not so nice if you enjoy the four seasons, and are fond of rain, clouds and snow.

Lew Zealand

In San Diego, California, the skies are blue and cloudless 350 days of the year and the temperature is always in the mid 70s with an ocean breeze. Very nice if you want to spend a lot of time outside; not so nice if you enjoy the four seasons, and are fond of rain, clouds and snow.
Nah, we have all 4 different seasons in SoCal:


Dr. eeL

Seasons in San Diego: Earthquake - the big fault is miles out in the desert, we only get the shakes from it. Wildfire - very serious, nothing, not even a 1000 fire trucks and a community of homes, can stop a fire being pushed by a 60 mile per hour wind. Mudslide - the rare, one-quarter inch rainfall in San Diego needs a two week flash flood warning, stay off the roads, shelter in place, but we are too flat to have a mudslide. 30 C - the water temperature in the ocean is in the low 70s in the summer. No wetsuit needed for surfing.
Seasons in San Diego: Earthquake - the big fault is miles out in the desert, we only get the shakes from it. Wildfire - very serious, nothing, not even a 1000 fire trucks and a community of homes, can stop a fire being pushed by a 60 mile per hour wind. Mudslide - the rare, one-quarter inch rainfall in San Diego needs a two week flash flood warning, stay off the roads, shelter in place, but we are too flat to have a mudslide. 30 C - the water temperature in the ocean is in the low 70s in the summer. No wetsuit needed for surfing.
Ok you are in a problem