How many hours did you use to play Stardew Valley?

Lew Zealand

450 hrs across 4 major saves. Longest save is about 180 hours, Spring 22, Year 5. Still only the 4th longest hours of my games in general. Ark, Minecraft, and Rocket League all with roughly 1000 hours each.

Wasting er, gaming! time is such a fantastic thing. But don't do Ark, just don't. It's like some sort of disease in my head, that ex you just can't get rid of.


I've played well over 400 hours -- going on 500. SDV has been medicinal for me during 2020. That said, I always sink 100 hours+ into any RPG I play (I play games suuuuper slowly and thoroughly over the span of a few years) so I wasn't surprised to see the hours rack up. I expect I'll be coming up on 700 by the time I feel I'm fully finished with my first playthrough -- I still haven't been able to afford the game's most expensive items (the golden clock etc) and the quests/Ginger Island expansion has added to my to-do list. :iristar:


Staff member
Steam reports 563 hours in the game, which does include afk time. I have 277 hours in game on my main save:
Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 8.22.17 PM.png

Steam says around 400+ hours... there must be some kind of a mistake...
If it makes you feel better, Steam counts any time the game was open, which includes time afk or with the game minimized, but still running. If you open the load screen in the game, you'll see hours listed for each save there. Those only count time when the game was unpaused, so that's going to be a bit low. The real number will be somewhere between the game and Steam.


If it makes you feel better, Steam counts any time the game was open, which includes time afk or with the game minimized, but still running. If you open the load screen in the game, you'll see hours listed for each save there. Those only count time when the game was unpaused, so that's going to be a bit low. The real number will be somewhere between the game and Steam.
I've never been sure - does the game count time paused in animations (e.g. while harvesting)? What about time when the game is paused for fishing, or in cutscenes?

Anyways, my Steam count is 2,930 hours. I know I left the game on while AFK for a good chunk of that first 1000 hours, before I realized Steam was counting it. But I also have a decent amount of time on mobile, which obviously isn't included, so I figure I'm probably around 2500 hours.

EDIT: The sum of all my save file times is probably around 1100 hours. (I say "probably" because I moved my Joja file out of my saves folder so I can't easily check that one). So pausing can make for a really large difference. I figure the Steam number is probably closer to accurate unless you're prone to walking away with the game open for long periods of time.

Fat Link

I think Steam has me over a thousand but that’s not true as I’m the type of person who will pause a game forever and go to sleep or do something else and then finally come back to it.

I assumed wrongly that Steam wouldn’t keep counting down the hours and minutes in game when I had it paused.

If I knew then what I know now I’d probably just shut the game down entirely to maintain mostly accurate hour totals.

Oh well.

My main save is on Xbox anyway and is about 300 or 400 hours and on year 12 last I checked lol.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
i have over 1000 hours in-game, but these are my furthest along saves


(second save was modded so i don't look as cute ): )

my latest save which i should aim for 100% on...
