What does the new box in Pierre's do?


Hello. I am wondering if this is always open to use, and how does it work? You put 25 of something in and get what out? How many gold star crops and what type? Is it the same as what you put in?


Local Legend
Hello. I am wondering if this is always open to use, and how does it work? You put 25 of something in and get what out? How many gold star crops and what type? Is it the same as what you put in?
In Fall of Year 1, as of 1.5, a "special order" board is installed in front of Lewis's house. It gives quests much like the "help wanted" quests... but they are much bigger, more involved and they give better rewards than just a bit of cash and some friendship. You get recipes to things you can't learn how to make without doing these "special orders". One of these "special orders" is given by Pierre and he asks for 25 gold crops. You have to both harvest 25 gold crops after beginning the "special order" and deliver 25 gold crops (needn't be the same crops) before the "special order" ends. For doing so you get a cash reward and a crafting recipe. (It is possible to get this crafting recipe from another "special order" as well.)

That box is where you deposit the crops.