How can I find what is the age of my child in in-game days?


Local Legend
Um... that was a multiple choice question. Option A: you can not load the site. Option B: you can not upload your farm to the site. Which one?


Local Legend
Hmmmr... the only thing I can think of, at this point, is you zipping up your save to see if someone else can upload it for you.


Local Legend
Perhaps just do a search for "daysold". It's only used for children. The first instance will be right before the age of your first child. Second instance right after. Third before the age of your second child. Fourth right after.


Thank you! I found the bug! My spouse asked for a second child before the age of the first one was 56!
I wonder in fact if the problem was that a night event happened the night your child was meant to be born? Apparently that is a known bug that cancels the birth.