PC [BUG] Unfindable Journal Scraps


I lost the first 2 Journal Scraps I found, when I fainted in the volcano.
I didn't know how to use them at that time.
Afterwards I found and used 9 Journal Pages rather quickly.
The last 2 Pages however have never been found afterwards.
Has been more than 2 in game month now, grinding the Volcano a lot, cutting grass, etc.
Now I'm afraid losing two pages by fainting may have caused a bug =(
Also since im missing page #10, I can't find the last golden walnut, which is preventing perfection for me...


I don't think it has anything to do with losing them while fainting.

It took me a year to find the last one. I was already considering that it couldn't be found in the volcano but would appear only after something happened (like the secret note that someone is waiting on level 100 only appears after you reach level 25).


It sure does feel like the last couple journal scraps are super difficult to find. I've been working constantly on the island for nearly a year (including attempting that Qi Bean challenge recently, so looots of harvesting and such), and I've still only gotten 9 scraps. Still waiting on my ostrich egg and that last gold walnut... I've got the incubator all ready for the eggy and everything. :(

My best guess at this point (if indeed there's any code-based reason for this) is that maybe certain ones *are* only available from certain activities, like x from farming, x from mining, x from fishing, x from volcano? I mean, I plant/harvest a lot, clear out the dig site constantly, dig up ginger and artifact spots, and break mussel rocks, but only sometimes go to the volcano mine and only rarely go fishing. So... maybe my last couple scraps are only found via fishing? x_x I hope not (I like fishing, I just don't do it unless I need the fish for something). Probably just bad RNG luck though and I'll find them eventually...


I think I threw away a few journal scraps a while back when trying to make room for something! eep. I am also doing what I can to find the last ones for "perfection" in the perfection tracker. I really hope they spawn again for both of us *fingers crossed* <3


I think I threw away a few journal scraps a while back when trying to make room for something! eep. I am also doing what I can to find the last ones for "perfection" in the perfection tracker. I really hope they spawn again for both of us *fingers crossed* <3
Update: I finished the perfection tracker: I suggest using mega bombs in the volcano, fishing, & continuing to go to the dig site to find journal scraps :)


Update: I finished the perfection tracker: I suggest using mega bombs in the volcano, fishing, & continuing to go to the dig site to find journal scraps :)
I found a scrap while fishing in Gourmand's waters too


I found a scrap while fishing in Gourmand's waters too
Thank you!!!!!! I had been grinding the volcano caverns on and off for a year or two and couldn't find it. Took only a minute or two of me fishing here to get it.