Yo Ape!: Syrups


Local Legend
So, I want to delete my original shipping bin and run a farm with no bins at all, but there are 2 problems with this.

The first is forgivable. Artifacts. Nobody wants to pay for that noise. Not even Gunther. Whatever. (Although it'd be cool to be able to sell them somewhere.)

The second one however, is more significant. Syrups. Maple Syrup, Pine Tar, Oak Resin. Nobody will buy this unless i've seriously overlooked something. I feel like Pierre should buy them but he doesn't (but he sure as hell will buy up boring normal sap, and lots of it too).

Anyways, I wasn't sure if this was oversight or intentional, but i do think it's silly that Pierre doesn't buy Maple Syrup at the very least.


Local Legend
Iridium trash can gives you 75% of what an item would sell for. You could use that easy upgrade to have your binless vision :smile:
I would but I kinda don't like the upgradable trashcans. It also just doesn't make sense that these 3 items aren't able to be sold anywhere. They don't even need to be sold to the same place either. Pierre runs a General Goods, so it's not too far fetched to have them sold there, but I'm sure Robin would get some use out of the tar and resin as well.

edit- it's also a stretch to call it a "vision", it's just a concept i'm trying out for this one run.
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