1.5 Community Centre completion (spoilers)


I am interested in people's thoughts about how the new community centre bundles affect the play in Year 1.

I've tried one new farm so far, and I'm enjoying the unpredictable nature of the new randomised bundles. Some seem to make things easier and some harder. I'm just half-way through spring, but I thought it's worth starting the discussion to see other people's experiences too.

I chose randomised bundles and guaranteed Y1 completion.

Changes from the baseline bundles in my game:

Crafts room
  • Spring forage bundle: spring onion replaces leek. This had no significant effect in my game - a slight gain in money, I guess, but I had both options available. I was however lucky not to have eaten all the spring onions I collected on day 1 - another trip down to the forest would have been inconvenient.
  • Winter forage bundle: Holly replaces crocus. This means that I can't complete this bundle ahead of winter by planting winter seeds in the greenhouse. Earliest CC completion is therefore set to Winter 1 unless holly turns up on the traveling cart.
  • Exotic foraging bundle replaced with wild medicine bundle (5 purple mushroom, 5 fiddlehead fern, 5 white algae, 5 hops; 3 of these needed). I will be able to complete that in summer, which is when I normally do the exotic foraging bundle, so no big change there. But it is definitely more challenging, and can't be completed in spring, whereas the original could be. However, I can't see that making a difference to anyone's game-play. (Please do tell me if it makes a difference to you!)
  • Other bundles unchanged.
Overall, no obvious effect. This has normally been the last room I completed, and it will probably remain so, because of the Winter Forage bundle. I guess maybe one day I might get a save without that bundle? Or is it locked in?


On face value, this seems like the biggest change in my current game. On the most part, the bundles got easier, but I will have to get a fish pond a.s.a.p.

The spring, summer and fall crops bundles remain unchanged. This means that the pumpkin will probably be the last item I donate.

The other bundles have been replaced with three new sets:
  • Brewer's bundle. 4 of: mead, wine, juice, pale ale, green tea. Easy enough for anyone who gets to farming 6 or higher by summer and then plants hops. This could be completed in spring if needed, so it's unlikely to ever limit someone's CC completion date. I guess it suits my game-play better than the artisan bundle did :-) Must remember to always tap a maple tree early though, so I can make the bee house!
  • Rare crops bundle. 1 ancient fruit or 1 sweet gem berry. Easyish. It's very rare for me not to get an ancient seed in spring year 1, from mining or fishing. I do fish and mine a lot though. I guess this would be harder for a more casual player. This is unlikely to be completed until mid summer, because of the time it takes to grow an ancient fruit. This time through, I just got my first ancient seed by fishing on the evening of spring 14, so I can fill this bundle mid-summer. It is however easy for any player to guarantee one sweet gem berry in late Fall by visiting the traveling cart in spring or summer and buying a rare seed.
  • Fish farmer's bundle. 2 of: 15 roe; 15 aged roe; 1 squid ink. Seems tricky, but actually chances are high of having a single squid ink dropped from squid kids in the mines. So I guess the way to do this fast is to build a fish pond now, and it's likely to be done before mid-fall when my pumpkin is ripe for the fall crops bundle. I was tempted to buy more than one fish pond until I realised I can't get a greenhouse until fall regardless. I might be regretting that in early fall if I haven't found a squid ink...
As an extra observation, it is weird not to have to keep hold of 5 gold parsnips for the quality crops bundle. I genuinely feel like I am forgetting to do something important.

Fish Tank

Only one bundle is changed:
  • Speciality fish bundle has been swapped out for quality fish bundle. 1 each of gold largemouth bass, shad, walleye and tuna. This is fine for me because I fish a lot early on in spring, and get up to a high enough level to get gold fish as a minimum. But it can't be completed until there is a rainy day in fall (for the walleye).
Honestly, I would have enjoyed more changes here. This is my least favourite room, though that's mostly because I don't find the reward very valuable. I was hoping for some fun changes to liven it up. I guess fingers crossed for next time!

Boiler Room:
  • No change to the geologist's bundle.
  • Adventurer's bundle swaps 1 void essence for 10 bone fragments. No significant effect - both are easy to come by.
  • Blacksmith's bundle has been swapped out for engineer's bundle: 1 iridium ore, 1 battery pack and 5 refined quartz (all needed). This is significantly harder, and will stop me completing the mine carts in spring because of the battery pack.
This is probably the change that will make most difference to my game-play. I normally try to get this room filled out a.s.a.p., since it is easy enough to do and the mine carts are incredibly useful. Now I will have to wait for a storm in summer. I might also have to go to the Skull Caverns, since I haven't yet fished up any iridium ore. That's quite unusual for me at this point in the game.

So, those are my bundle changes in my current game. I would be really interested to know about the changes other people are finding, and how it is affecting your game-play.


My crafts room had the Sticky Bundle, which required 500 sap. On the plus side I did not want for wood for a long time.

My boiler room had the Treasure Hunter's Bundle, which required 5 of Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, and Aquamarine. (I also had the engineer's bundle)

My bulletin board has the Children's Bundle, which requires 3 of Ancient Doll, Ice Cream, Cookies, and 10 salmon berries. Tragically I ate mom's delivered cookies before I knew I had this bundle.

I basically had your exact same Pantry and Fish Tank.

If you couldn't guess by my user icon I'm a big fan of Fish Ponds so I've enjoyed the excuse to go in on those early instead of the barn and coop for the Animal Bundle. I know you can combine different qualities of crops for bundles, be interesting to see if you can combine different roe types?


As you already said, if you're unlucky and the the boiler room bundle with the iridium ore and battery pack, youre doomed in spring. That is a worse bundle, a really worse and i personally hate it because it just slow downs everything. The other bundles are fine and refreshing. E.g. building two fish ponds to complete the corresponding bundle instead of being forced to build a barn and/or coop to complete the animals bundle.


My crafts room had the Sticky Bundle, which required 500 sap. On the plus side I did not want for wood for a long time.

My boiler room had the Treasure Hunter's Bundle, which required 5 of Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, and Aquamarine. (I also had the engineer's bundle)

My bulletin board has the Children's Bundle, which requires 3 of Ancient Doll, Ice Cream, Cookies, and 10 salmon berries. Tragically I ate mom's delivered cookies before I knew I had this bundle.

I basically had your exact same Pantry and Fish Tank.

If you couldn't guess by my user icon I'm a big fan of Fish Ponds so I've enjoyed the excuse to go in on those early instead of the barn and coop for the Animal Bundle. I know you can combine different qualities of crops for bundles, be interesting to see if you can combine different roe types?
All three of those sound challenging in their own ways. Did the sticky bundle replace the construction bundle? - I would be ok with that.

Your boiler room sounds particularly challenging. Did you have to do all the gems, or could you choose between them? Amethyst and topaz aren't so bad...

I now have my bulletin board. The Dye Bundle has been changed around - beet, urchin, starfruit, cactus, aquamarine and iridium bar. That's definitely harder, even if it is guaranteed possible in Y1. I also have Forager's Bundle, which is 50 salmonberries, 50 blackberries, 20 wild plum; pick 2. That had me cursing before I realised it was pick 2, and will still delay me well into winter with the wild plums. I also have the Home Cook's Bundle: 10 egg, 10 milk and 100 flour, all needed. I guess I'll be building that mill (though it's tempting to buy the flour!)

All in all I would say I like the variety of the new bundles. I knew the old set inside out, and had even completed a challenge run to finish the CC mid-summer, so this has made me up my game and think on my feet in a pleasing way.


Does anyone know what the new 'guaranteed completion of community centre in the first year' does because ive checked the box and dont see any changes


Personally, I don't feel like it's a difficulty increase, but I also really liked having the unpredictability and needing to think on my feet more.
Here's what I got (to the best of my memory, I've finished it now and I didn't write it down or anything). Also I think some of the rewards were different? But I don't recall the exact details, except that I got a preserve jar from something in the pantry, when you normally don't get that. Nothing super big.

Crafts room
My crocus was also replaced by holly. Honestly, I couldn't be bothered to make winter seeds, so I didn't even notice until reading this post. I just picked up a crocus in winter, tried to put it in, and then assumed I must have misremembered the requirements and grabbed a holly instead. Presumably CA decided he didn't want people cheesing it with winter seeds.

I got the sticky bundle (500 sap) instead of the construction bundle. Mildly annoying that I couldn't finish the construction bundle early (using hardwood from the mines) and instead had to wait till I could finish the spring crops bundle to unlock the boiler room, but oh well. I didn't get to gold levels of the mines till about spring 15-20 anyways, I just wanted to unlock the boiler room out of curiosity to see the changes. Anyways I didn't use any fertilizer (helps that I didn't need quality parsnips) and I got 500 sap pretty easily by mid-summer, just by cutting the trees I needed to build stuff.

The rest of the crafts room was unchanged.

Quality crop bundle and artisan bundle were also replaced by the rare crops bundle and the brewer's bundle. This was honestly a lot simpler for me than the original bundles - I did have to go back to copper levels of the mines and kill a few dozen bugs to get an ancient seed, but after that it was just a matter of watering it daily. And I would have been kegging stuff in year 1 anyways, so I just set aside some of it to put in the CC. Much easier than fertilizing a bunch of crops and hoping to get enough quality ones at a low farming level, or worrying about how many tree fruits would show up in the bat cave.
And I agree, it felt really weird not having to worry about getting quality parsnips.

I still got the animal bundle, but the large white and brown eggs were replaced with one regular egg and one large egg. It's worth noting that the text only says "egg" and "large egg" although the picture shows brown eggs. I assumed that meant either colour was okay, but it turns out I did specifically need brown eggs. Kinda annoying since I only bought one chicken and it happened to be white, but oh well, I still had plenty of time before winter to buy a brown chicken and raise its happiness. Not sure if this is a bug or not.

Spring, summer, and fall crop bundles were unchanged.

Fish Tank
Specialty Fish was replaced by the Master Fisher bundle, two of octopus, lava eel, scorpion carp, and blobfish. I did get the iridium rod for this while I wouldn't have needed it for the specialty fish bundle (ymmv, I personally find pufferfish to be not super difficult without a bobber). But I would have gotten the iridium rod soon enough for the Master Angler achievement anyways, and I was kinda swimming in money by fall, which is when I got it. Then I just waited till I'd finished the vault, and picked up a lava eel and a scorpion carp. So this cost 7.5k more than the original version, but other than that not really more difficult.
Kinda regretting not getting the iridium rod in summer, actually, because now I'm going to have to wait until summer y2 to catch the octopus and crimsonfish for Master Angler, but oh well.

Everything else was the same.

Boiler Room
My only change here was that the solar essence in the adventurer's bundle was replaced by 10 bone fragments. I'd gotten a fire quartz from a treasure chest around maybe spring 10, so until I saw that I was hoping to buy 5 gold ore and finish the minecarts a few days early (I usually push to finish them mid-spring because it's so convenient, although like I said, I couldn't unlock the boiler room itself until getting spring crops). But since I had to go down to level 70 anyways to get the bone fragments (no way was I getting 99 slime), I figured I might as well get to floor 80 and save myself the money on the gold ore. Didn't take too much longer anyways.
No other changes for me, so this didn't really affect my game too much.

No change. Still the same amounts of money. I would be pretty surprised if this ever changed.

Bulletin board
This one had the most changes at three bundles which were completely different.

The chef's bundle was replaced by the home cook bundle - 10 milk, 10 eggs, and 100 wheat flour. The milk and eggs would have been easy, since I needed a cow and chicken for the pantry anyways, except that I think the eggs are bugged? (Yes, I've mentioned it on the bugs section of the forum.) The milk accepted different types/qualities of milk (a couple regular-waulity small milk, a couple silver-quality large milk, etc), which is what I expected based on the changelog saying the CC would now accept different qualities of things in a stack. But the eggs only let me put in a stack of 10 of the same quality, so I ended up buying a third chicken from Marnie for some more small eggs. The 100 wheat flour was intimidating at first but it's not that bad, just needed to spend 1k on wheat seeds and then 2.5k on a mill, I needed a rabbit's foot anyways so the cloth was easy. It wasn't even that much extra watering since wheat grows so quickly.
All in all, kinda annoying, but still much better than getting a truffle. Especially since I didn't even have to upgrade the barn past the first stage, which was so much cheaper it almost felt like cheating.

The dye bundle was replaced by the children's bundle - like @Benhimself said, 3 of Ancient Doll, Ice Cream, Cookies, and 10 salmon berries. Ice cream and salmonberries were easy to get. I was planning to give Evelyn a tulip on her birthday and get the cookie recipe that way (I'm playing as a girl, so no mail cookies for me), but before that happened I got two ancient dolls from artifact spots somehow, so I put in one of those. Even if I hadn't gotten that it wouldn't have been too hard, but it would have delayed my CC completion a few weeks. OTOH I didn't have to keep checking the cart for a red cabbage, which was really nice.

The fodder bundle was replaced by the foraging bundle, 2 of 50 salmonberries, 50 blackberries, and 10 wild plums. Initially I thought 50 salmonberries was too much to give up year 1, but I had a bunch of chubs saved up from fishing to eat, and I ended up going berry-picking every day in salmonberry season, so I actually ended up with maybe 100ish salmonberries despite only having foraging 3. Around mid-summer I realized energy wouldn't be an issue (I kept some quality hops to eat), so I did end up putting in 50 of those salmonberries, and then by the time blackberry season came around I was foraging 8 and 50 blackberries was a drop in the bucket. Although honestly 10 wild plums would have been pretty easy too. All in all, giving up those 50 salmonberries wasn't great (and I probably wouldn't have spent so much time berry-picking if I hadn't gotten this bundle) but at least I didn't have to plant an apple tree?
Joke was on me, though, since this was the one run I actually got a ton of apples from the bat cave, including three of the same quality. No pomegranate though.

And the other two bundles (enchanter and field research) didn't change.


I'm really enjoying the new bundles. It's fun to have a new set of challenges, especially when there's not a ton of information about them online - it feels like a truly new challenge. And it's fun to look forward to a new challenge the next time I make a new farm. It feels like it's really breathed new life into the game for me.

I got the Rare Crops bundle in the pantry, along with a Garden Bundle that required Tulip, Blue Jazz, Summer Spangle, Sunflower, and Fairy Rose. I like this one - it's a nice reason to plan flowers, which I usually don't do much of. And it really is so nice not having to worry about gold quality Parsnips.
I prefer the Quality Bundle to the Special Fish Bundle. It'll be easier to complete just as a matter of normal game play instead of having to make special trips & fish in very specific locations/times.
I got the Engineer bundle, too - again, stuff I'd normally get, but it'll take more time to get there.

I haven't unlocked the vault or the bulletin board yet. I'm interested in how the Vault bundles would change, if they ever do - just different amounts of money, maybe? Not quite as exciting as finding an entirely new bundle, though, so maybe this one won't change for anyone. It would be really interesting if this changed to varying amounts of some kind of item that would be stored in a vault - like varying amounts of ore or gems - but that seems unlikely.


Personally, I don't feel like it's a difficulty increase, but I also really liked having the unpredictability and needing to think on my feet more.
Here's what I got (to the best of my memory, I've finished it now and I didn't write it down or anything). Also I think some of the rewards were different? But I don't recall the exact details, except that I got a preserve jar from something in the pantry, when you normally don't get that. Nothing super big.
Yes, I think the rewards are slightly different in some cases. I also received a preserve jar - I think that was from the rare crops bundle.
The chef's bundle was replaced by the home cook bundle - 10 milk, 10 eggs, and 100 wheat flour....
All in all, kinda annoying, but still much better than getting a truffle. Especially since I didn't even have to upgrade the barn past the first stage, which was so much cheaper it almost felt like cheating.
I still have the chef's bundle as well as the home cook bundle, so I have to get a truffle as well as all the flour. I guess the combinations in the bulletin board might be random. Other rooms seemed like they made specific replacements. It would have been nice not to bother with the truffle!

I think my bulletin board is a bit harder than the normal version. Sure, it doesn't have a red cabbage, so it is possible to do in Y1 without RNG. But I still have to donate the truffle, plus a beet, iridium bar and starfruit (unlikely without going to the desert, which I will do but not everyone might - the beet is the hardest part!) As well as the 100 wheat flour for the home cook bundle, when I never normally build a mill. Though I am tempted to just buy the flour... It's all completely doable, but I have had to up my game.

On the other hand, my pantry was easier than normal. But it didn't let me get the greenhouse early, because I still needed to wait for the pumpkin. Also I have had to build the animal stuff anyway, since I have to get a truffle...
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