Today's greeting card holiday

Lew Zealand

In some parts of the world people celebrate February 14th (would that be Winter 14th?) a little more with their liked or loved one and Stardew need not be any different. Seeing as the Villagers in Pelican Town have both
Liked and
Loved gifts available, what are you going to give your in-game significant other today?

I always make sure Emily has a Survival Burger available to eat at the kitchen table and I keep her Gem Shop stocked with dozens to hundreds of my Skull Cavern gems finds so this year I think I'll give her:

A blue Parrot Egg.



At the risk of sounding unromantic: Bug steaks for all (if you're playing on Switch)!
Nah bug meat is to useful they can have the iridium quality forage I find on the ground and don't have a use for. But seriously though I hope they fix it soon so I can attempt a challenge ive been wanting to do (getting all the npcs to max hearts)