What is the most annoying thing that's ever happened to you in game?


This is kind of a spoiler for the bus stop. But once upon a time, I unlocked the skull cavern and got Mr. Qi's secret note to reach floor 100 hundred in the caverns. With brute force and no staircases, I got like 5 floors away to floor 100. I then found a skull cavern shaft, I jumped through it, and it brought me past floor 100... I didn't get to the right floor and I couldn't get my prize... And I had to redo the whole cavern run.

Yeah... So what was something that was annoyingly awful that happened to you once in-game lololol?-


I didn't suffer something hmm heavy, but I'm always carrying mega bombs, and sometimes accidentally I put one on my farm... what a mess, I even lost my purple and gold statues (if you know, you know). Fortunately I play on mobile, so I just have to load the previous day, but it's annoying cause I have to do everything again.

Lew Zealand

Only one? Nawww, like chips I gotta have wayyy more than just one.

• Turning in my first Prizzy Shard to Gunther
• Not watching the TV in my first playthrough because mom always said it rots your brain
• Selling Spring Onions for almost no g instead of using them for Energy*
• Making a giant crop farm (farming sim, amirite?) that takes the entire day's time and Energy to Water (see above)
• Not upgrading my Watering Can so Watering takes the entire day's time and Energy (see above)
• Gifting Trash to Bachelor/ettes by accident and not knowing to restart the day
• Getting knocked out in The Mines and not knowing to restart the day
• Getting knocked out by Slimes in the Secret Woods and not knowing to restart the day
• Disappointing Haley in her 10 :heart: event because I am a clueless thickhead people
• Not knowing that Elliott and Leah existed in the game, and later on finding they're 2 different people
...soooo many more

*However I did learn a kind of chill gameplay thanks to this: Oops out of Energy at 4:30pm, talk to some Villagers and in bed by 8pm!


My very first playthrough ever, I got a Dinosaur Egg from a fishing chest, Spring Year 1. I turned it over to Gunther, because I didn’t know any better. It was Fall Year 3 before I finally got a second one from the Skull Caverns.

There was much kicking my own hash every season in between.
lol I did this too. I found an artifact spot in the mountains area and up popped a dino egg. Donated had... No... Idea... What I had done... I never got another one and eventually abandoned the save.


Not upgrading my Watering Can so Watering takes the entire day's time and Energy (see above)
Bro I did this too! My pick axe was the only tool I upgraded, I was like: "Why would I upgrade my watering can? Just so it can waste my materials? No, thank you!"
I didn't think It would do anything! I didn't know I would be able to water more than one tile with an upgraded watering can, I thought it was all for aesthetics so all your tools could match lol.


Just dropped onto Level 98 of Skull Mines. Nice cluster of gold nodes a little ways away. Need a little snack to recover health. Think I'm saying "Yes" to "Eat Spicy Eel," but find myself back at the mine entrance with spicy eel equipped because it was "Leave the Mine?"


Local Legend
Happens all too much but forgetting a piece of furniture in a massive map of machines (they can be used to stop NPCs from breaking machines), and losing like a few hundred crystalariums or solar panels

Alternatively, hopping on 1.6 for the first time at launch, sleeping for like a decade just to realize that weeds now spawn on paths for some reason and destroyed most of my maps of machines :(


Just dropped onto Level 98 of Skull Mines. Nice cluster of gold nodes a little ways away. Need a little snack to recover health. Think I'm saying "Yes" to "Eat Spicy Eel," but find myself back at the mine entrance with spicy eel equipped because it was "Leave the Mine?"
This happened to me way too much!


I just missed collecting a Frog Egg that dropped from an enemy because I accidentally clicked on a ladder that just opened up while I was trying to drink coffee. :grumpy:

Someone please figure out an option to have confirmation dialog on down ladders. Pretty please?


Blitzing to level 100 in the Skull Cavern forgetting I need a certain note to get my upgrade is always fun. Level 5 of volcano and my cindershards are in my other pants- just as great.
Ingredient I need for a meal is found in the Spring and it's Summer day 1.
But, I guess the most annoying would be the never-ending beef I have with the lingcods. They don't want to be caught, and sometimes, they ain't gonna be caught.