1.6 Update How to play with a friend on the phone at a DISTANCE and also with a PC


I use Google Translate, I apologize for grammatical errors or partial loss of meaning of the text. I will be very grateful for the adjustments
A little conversation
Hello, as you have known for a long time, there is a phone version of our favorite game, And we all want to play with our friends, some on PC, some on console. But what to do if this is not possible, you play on your phone, and multiplayer, alas, is only tested and works only on a local network
ZeroTier - Free LAN simulation program for both PC and Telephone. Search in the browser "Zerotier"
Here is the official website: https://www.zerotier.com/
The site looks the same on the phone and PC, the only difference is the size, so all the information about the site will only be on the phone
Note:Only the network creator needs registration, no matter who does it
go to the site

Create a network

In the browser, when logging in, a network menu will open, Once you've created your network, you have to share the 16-character code with your friend

The free version will work for us, I don't think you need more than 10 people for Stardew Valley
Phone:Download the application from the official website or the official download tool "Google Play" "Apple Store"
PC:download from the official website

No settings need to be changed except for the name and description, everything already works
Friends & Creator:
In the app, find the "Add Network" In the app, find the "Add Network" button Enter or scan the code (the QR code is scanned only by the camera, Therefore, in our situation, it is a little useless)

on PC the program works in a miniature window by pressing the right mouse button

on the PC the connection is indicated by a check mark

If you have this situation, Then it is necessary that the creator of the network turns on the public mode for a short tim

How to see your IP?
On the phone: tap on your network and below will be information
On the PC: right-click on the program, your network, Managet Addresses


Unfortunately, the post has a maximum of 10 images, so I tried to highlight the most important ones... I hope you will find all the information
Thank you for reading my post, I really hope that I helped you, alas, but I haven't yet found how to open a chat on my phone and I assume that it hasn't been added yet. Therefore, you will have to use some application for communication.
PS:Yes, you CAN play on PC and PHONE on 1 SERVER
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask


Hi everyone, my fiancé is playing on an iPad, and I’m on an iPhone. How can we play together?
you need a completely identical version of the game, since you have IOS it will be convenient to find
This program is also available on Apple products
if I'm not mistaken this is the correct link, if it doesn't open, find "ZeroTier One" in the App Store
all actions are the same as on PC and Android.

to create a network you need to follow the steps from the post at the very beginning


Newko, can you help me? I follow your tutorial, but at the moment that I want to host a farm, my bf from his iphone cant join me, I connected his phone and mi pc to the zero tier one network, but idk what is my mistake


Newko, can you help me? I follow your tutorial, but at the moment that I want to host a farm, my bf from his iphone cant join me, I connected his phone and mi pc to the zero tier one network, but idk what is my mistake
Check the version of the game, especially the build, because somewhere 1 digit may differ due to different platforms and you cannot see each other
Also check the IP that the application gives, try to connect from a PC to its world, if it works out, then you have done something wrong
Are you connected to the network in the same way? Put it in public mode and try again

The build can be viewed by clicking on the "?" in the game menu, and the necessary information will be displayed on the bottom left



Hi Newko, thanks for the tutorial, I’ve been trying to make this multiplayer over internet happen with my friends. Currently we’ve been able to connect through zerotier and ping each other managed ip, but in the end we still can’t connect to the host farm. So, maybe is there anything that need to be set again related to port or anything else within the zerotier?

We’re all currently using iOS with the same version from app store. Thanks!