Help (sorry this is very general)

Im on year five I and I still only make 5000g a night. I haven’t completed the bulletin board or fish tank in the community center. Does anybody have any tips on making more money. (I might just be bad at the game lol)


Local Legend
You're not bad at the game, don't worry, you can succeed basically doing anything in the game so long as you work long enough at it.

That being said, there are a bunch of ways you can work on upping the amount of cash you're making a day.
1. Stop selling resources, your image shows you selling fiber, which is a useful allaround resource as you progress through the game. Resources sell for basically nothing so most of them you just want to keep for the loads of crafting you'll want to do later on. Prioritize just selling the stuff you're collecting/cultivating for selling.
2. Explore all aspects of the game, so many parts of the game are intertwined, you really want to try your hand at everything to make cash. For example, start mining more if you aren't already, and use those materials you gather to make sprinklers for larger fields of crops.
3. Expand outwards, you have to spend money to make money. As you collect money, try to funnel it primarily towards setting up more ways for you to make cash, or in the tools and items useful for helping you. That means buying more seeds, buying some resources if you need them, tool/backpack upgrades, food, and more.

I would also start prioritizing finishing the community center, it unlocks a lot, and plenty of that content will help you make more money too. You don't have to make it your immediate goal, make the bulletin board your goal for the year or something, and be diligent not to miss anything as you pass each season by. Do so and you'll be absolutely golden, good luck!
You're not bad at the game, don't worry, you can succeed basically doing anything in the game so long as you work long enough at it.

That being said, there are a bunch of ways you can work on upping the amount of cash you're making a day.
1. Stop selling resources, your image shows you selling fiber, which is a useful allaround resource as you progress through the game. Resources sell for basically nothing so most of them you just want to keep for the loads of crafting you'll want to do later on. Prioritize just selling the stuff you're collecting/cultivating for selling.
2. Explore all aspects of the game, so many parts of the game are intertwined, you really want to try your hand at everything to make cash. For example, start mining more if you aren't already, and use those materials you gather to make sprinklers for larger fields of crops.
3. Expand outwards, you have to spend money to make money. As you collect money, try to funnel it primarily towards setting up more ways for you to make cash, or in the tools and items useful for helping you. That means buying more seeds, buying some resources if you need them, tool/backpack upgrades, food, and more.

I would also start prioritizing finishing the community center, it unlocks a lot, and plenty of that content will help you make more money too. You don't have to make it your immediate goal, make the bulletin board your goal for the year or something, and be diligent not to miss anything as you pass each season by. Do so and you'll be absolutely golden, good luck!
Ah this helps so much I’ve been strugglin lately
Processing your goods should help.

If you grow fruits, put them in kegs, and sell the wine. It’s a multiplier, so keg the most expensive ones. If you grow vegetables, pickling jars help there. Bee Houses, once built, can give you honey effort free every few days in spring summer and fall.

Explore the skills menu. If you’re really low on any given skill, work it.
Explore the crafting menu. If there’s resources you do not have access to, that’s something you want to work on. You may not choose to craft everythng. But you should have access to the materials required for Most things.


Processing your goods should help.

If you grow fruits, put them in kegs, and sell the wine. It’s a multiplier, so keg the most expensive ones. If you grow vegetables, pickling jars help there. Bee Houses, once built, can give you honey effort free every few days in spring summer and fall.

Explore the skills menu. If you’re really low on any given skill, work it.
Explore the crafting menu. If there’s resources you do not have access to, that’s something you want to work on. You may not choose to craft everything. But you should have access to the materials required for Most things.
Yes, for me ultimately wine is the biggest money maker, especially when the greenhouse is 3/4 full of ancient fruit. and if you don't have ancient fruit, pomegranates make reasonably expensive wine too, also crystal fruit


There is no right or wrong in this game. We all move at our own pace and find fun doing the things we like to do. If you’re having fun then you’ve accomplished the whole point of this game already. If you’re stressing and loosing joy in playing then that’s when you aren’t doing things in the right way for you. So many people in these forums are experts or even masters in the game. But just as many are taking things slow and doing the things that are most fun for them. Now there are plenty of money making tips in this thread and throughout the forums. Again, if you stop having fun playing in trying to hard to make money, then you aren’t playing for you, you are playing for an imaginary goal that does not exist in this game. Have fun! That’s most important, then use tips and tricks here, but if it becomes frustrating or overwhelming go back to playing for fun!


The fun part of Stardew Valley is that you can make money doing anything! If you like farming crops, they make plenty of money on their own and even more money if you process them in a preserves jar or keg. My first farm, I made bank just selling random crops. If you prefer something lower maintenance, fruit trees are easy and valuable. If you prefer animals, eggs/milk/wool don't sell for much, but mayo/cheese/cloth sell for good money! Plus, mayo and cheese are great food for keeping up energy.

If fishing is your thing, fish sell for a good amount, and the new fish smoker increases that. For lower maintenance fishing, build a pond and collect roe - which can also be processed in a preserves jar to increase sell price.

If the mines are more your thing, gems sell for a good amount of money, as does ore if you have extra after building whatever you want.

The wiki is a good place to compare which crops make the most per day, and which roe sells for the most money, so you can better optimize whatever you already like doing.

Doing errands/quests/etc aren't worth millions but they're still a bit of cash.

Raising slimes in a slime hutch is one of the worst ways to make money, but I also always do it because slimes are cute. Least profitable hobby in the game, highly recommend.

If you hit on some high luck, I've heard the casino can be some easy money, but I've never tried that.