Who is your favorite romance candidate and why? (possible spoilers)

Lew Zealand

Nothing like reading your 4+ year old posts for the lulcringes. I knew Emily was super but her happy portrait from the time was just a bit over the creepy line, which thankfully was updated in v1.6 to address this.

So now I’m a total Emily convert. The other villagers are still great and I married Haley in the interim on my wonderful Beach farm save in v1.5 and both she and Abby are fun. But yeah Emily.

The dialog expansions in v1.6 help everyone so it’s kinda unfair to a spouse you haven’t interacted with in the update, but Emms is keeping it fresh. The villagers are also what you make them and I’m constantly filling in dialog in my head and making notes for when I finally write the next part of whichever story I’m currently ignoring. At least my experience has been that Abby, Haley, and Emily have enough interesting dialog to keep me entertained through 5 years of Farming fun in Stardew.
Nothing The villagers are also what you make them and I’m constantly filling in dialog in my head and making notes for when I finally write the next part of whichever story I’m currently ignoring.
/respect Novelizations / fictions of any kind sound all simple and easy when you begin. Then, at least for me, it becomes this all consuming beast of a timesink.
I'm in the minority, but I like Shane. This is probably because I get Shane, being someone who's dealt with unmedicated depression and being married to someone with anxiety (now mostly controlled by meds). Shane's also in a kind of crap place, having to do the cruddy 9-5 job to finance his real interest of chicken-breeding (this is a legit thing, seriously). And Shane's not at all pretentious or idealistic or naive. That makes him much easier to deal with for me than pretty much any of the other male candidates. I honestly haven't thought much about the female singles, since I don't lean that way IRL.
That is true. I too struggle with anxiety, depression, and all of the above, so he works with me. I have never really gotten to know him. One thing I don’t like about him is he clearly likes JOJA cola. He asks for it in the help wanted board so i try to gift him but he thinks it’s trash!


Staff member
My favorite is Penny, I feel like I would like her personality the most out of all the NPCs in real life.


I‘ve only recently started playing the game maybe a week ago so this is my first go round. Right now I‘m trying to romance the town doctor. He seems grounded and down to earth, though stressed. :proud:


Haley for sure! She starts off a spoiled brat then turns into a cute farm core girlie, while being nicer to you and the rest of the valley. Also the one and only Sebby, I now that there are a lot of Sebastian lovers here, but he deserves it. He starts out has the towns shy rebel, but then melts into the kind and hard working guy he is! I also love Emily. Wacky, nice, always happy, a girl right up my ally. She also is totally going to open up a portal to another dimension. ( I can see it. She loves crystals, were are they all going!)