What do yall name your animals


My system has mainly been using traditional Finnish cattle and pet names (when possible), then names from cartoons and children's books. My first cows are always Mansikki and Heluna (trad. Fin) and my horse is Polle (also trad.) Chicken are Tipuli (Chicky) and Kotko (Coocoo), the void one is Kokotar (from Kokko, Rok in Finnish), duck is "Iines" (Daisy Duck), etc. Ostriches have fancy names starting with S (orstrich is 'strutsi' in Finnish), pigs also child srtory names, goats and sheep just something that means "little goat, woolly one" etc.

Rainbow Moon

Mine are all desserts! Cupcake, Crepe, Tiramisu, Shortcake, Pie, etc.
Those all sound yummy. ♥

I have a food obsession when it comes to naming my animals, my chickens always get named after chicken or egg dishes and my cows after different types of coffee and flavoured milk.
Sometimes I do other name themes for my animals like a cosmic theme for example or I'll name them after characters from my favourite fandoms, I'm a huge LOTR fan so I always name
my horse, Shadowfax, lol. :smile:

I've only just started a new save so I don't have animals yet aside from my ginger kitty who is named Pumpkin because he looks like one when curled up into a little ball, lol but when I do eventually get animals it will be a tried and true theme as usual. :wink:


Local Legend
Those all sound yummy. ♥

I have a food obsession when it comes to naming my animals, my chickens always get named after chicken or egg dishes and my cows after different types of coffee and flavoured milk.
Sometimes I do other name themes for my animals like a cosmic theme for example or I'll name them after characters from my favourite fandoms, I'm a huge LOTR fan so I always name
my horse, Shadowfax, lol. :smile:

I've only just started a new save so I don't have animals yet aside from my ginger kitty who is named Pumpkin because he looks like one when curled up into a little ball, lol but when I do eventually get animals it will be a tried and true theme as usual. :wink:
Oh, man, now I gotta make sure I make a save where I name the horse Sleipnir. For reasons.
Cat: Mojo
Horse: Mr Ed
Cows: Buttercup, Marigold, Poppy, Clover, Daisy
Pigs: Porkchop, Mr Bacon, Hametta, Scratchings
Goats: Al, Agatha, Agnes, other 'A' names
Sheep: Fluffy
Ostritches: Ozzy, Ozma
Rabbit: Peter
Dino: Godzilla
Chickens: Ethel, Betty
Void Chickens: Vivian, Valerie, Victor, Voidemort
Blue Chickens: Iris, Bluebell
Gold Chickens: Goldie, Aurum
Ducks: Dave, Davina, Dusty, Derek, Devin, Duncan, Dot, Dolly, other 'D' names.
Haha Voidemort


for my animals it goes like this:
horse: lemongrass
dog: boris
cat: haru
chickens (brown, void, and white): melone, peter, secco, persephone, didi, poptart, polpo, ghiaccio, and cioccolata
cows: choco, lucy, brownie, sakura, phantasma, and freddie
ducks: abbachio, paul, bruno, ozzy, and fugo
pigs: bubbles, rakin bacon, kosher, blossom, and pinkie
and finally bunnies: gene, ace, narancia, trish, and mista

i named a big chunk of my animals after jojo's bizarre adventure characters, and four after the KISS members lol

i have dino and ostrich eggs, but i don't have the proper incubator for them yet, so i haven't gotten to hatch them yet.

evergreen oak

On my first ever farm I named them after Grimm's Fairytales characters. Rapunzel the sheep, Cinderella the chicken, Prince Charming the horse, and so on. Nowadays I prefer giving them all old-fashioned names like Gertrude and Adelaide. I did name my recent piggies Rosie and Rosso, for obvious reason (if you're familiar with the Ghibli movie, anyway)


On my first ever farm I named them after Grimm's Fairytales characters. Rapunzel the sheep, Cinderella the chicken, Prince Charming the horse, and so on. Nowadays I prefer giving them all old-fashioned names like Gertrude and Adelaide. I did name my recent piggies Rosie and Rosso, for obvious reason (if you're familiar with the Ghibli movie, anyway)
porco rosso! that's my favorite ghibli movie :)


Local Legend
I always do things that amuse me, like naming my horse Donkey in one save.

I named all my ostriches after other large birds, like Emu and Cassowary.

I named all my blue chickens by different shades of blue like Sapphire and Sky.

I named all my pigs things like Bacon and Ham.

I named all my dinosaurs after varying lizards, like Komodo and Iguana.


So far we've named our chickens after fried chicken chains (KFC, etc.) and cows after steak cuts (Ribeye, etc.). We plan on naming our goats after sports icons and pigs after pork dishes

Could use some suggestions for the rest😬


I'll write what I remember; my two dark chickens are Hades and Ares, the normal ones are Little and McFly, my dinosaurs are Kirk and Connors, one of the cows is Miltank, and other one Baity, one goat is Slipknot, one sheep is Booooob, one pig is Porky, the horse is Carter Slade, the rabbits are JoJo and Roger, the ducks are Donald and Lucas, the cat is Logan and the dog is Kaiser. I'm always trying to make references to pop culture or music (as good JJBA fan ^-^).


One time I followed a theme of naming all my chickens after spices and stuff. Like, cinnamon, paprika, etc...

Literally so cute. I did the same kinda thing with my cows, but instead of with spices I named my cows after flowers.
My animal names are all based on food, specifically mexican food.

(CAUTION: some of the animals I have might be spoilers for some of you as you may not have access to these animals until later in the game)

/!\ proceed with utmost caution, my friends /!\

Cat 1: Fajita
Cat 2: Rice
Horse: Cabbage
Blue Chicken: Tostada
Brown Chicken: Burrito
White Chicken: Cheese
Gold Chicken: Nacho
Dinosaur: Guacamole
Brown Cow: Sauce (I ran out of options)
White Cow 1: Beef
White Cow 2: Salsa
White Cow 3: Carne Asada
Duck: Taco
Goat 1: Birria
Goat 2: Chimichanga
Ostrich: Pico de Gallo ('Pico' for short)
Pig 1: Torta
Pig 2: Bean
Bunny: Tamale
Sheep 1: Queso
Sheep 2: Tortilla
Sheep 3: Quesadilla

note: I have the Deluxe Barn and the Deluxe Coop, which is why I can fit 22 animals on my farm