Switch Missing Repeatable Special Orders on Board After Pre-1.6 Completion of All Special Orders

I don't know if that is the intended behavior or a bug, but it feels like a bug to me, so I will report them and have the dev team figure out if they work as intended:

When you are "done" with the board pre-1.6 (i.e., completed all the one-time special quests [e.g., Aquatic Overpopulation, etc.] on the board), the Special Orders don't repeat themselves on the board.

This is the correct behavior pre-1.6 as all the special orders are a one-and-done effort, but it appears after playing through a new save entirely post-1.6 that the special orders are now implemented as repeatable with the prizes being Tickets instead of their own unique one-time exclusive rewards any subsequent completion(s).

However, that transition from one-time completion to repeatable completion does not happen for the aforementioned scenario when the Special Orders are all done before 1.6 update.
The board will still show an exclamation mark indicating that quests are ready to be picked up, but upon inspecting the board we do not see any Special Orders at all.


Some of the special orders were only once (e.g. Rock Rejuvenation), but some others have always been repeated in my game (e.g. aquatic overpopulation). The table on the wiki shows which ones are repeatable.

since 1.6, there is even a check mark (at least on PC) indicating that you have done the quest before.

I have seen other reports for a blank special order report, so maybe check for those threads and see if you can add any details?
Some of the special orders were only once (e.g. Rock Rejuvenation), but some others have always been repeated in my game (e.g. aquatic overpopulation). The table on the wiki shows which ones are repeatable.

since 1.6, there is even a check mark (at least on PC) indicating that you have done the quest before.

I have seen other reports for a blank special order report, so maybe check for those threads and see if you can add any details?
That is exactly so, I saw what you have seen as well - but since there always exists repeatable quests (with the checkmarks), the board itself should never be blank and there should always be at least two quests to be fetched for completion. What you are saying applies to the Switch as well, but for save files where quests are completed before 1.6 was updated, this does not happen. Otherwise, the board fills up fine. I don't really have anything additional to chime in.