I’m not the only one that’s mad that Gunther, Morris, Marlon, Gil, and the Joja cashier aren’t actually villagers, right?


I'm still waiting for Marlon to be dateable. *sigh* :heart:

It'd be nice to see Gunther around outside sometimes, like at festivals and stuff. I don't think he ever leaves the museum other than when he brings you the old key. Maybe he's worried about stuff being stolen again?

Maybe the Jojamart cashier could decide to stay in the valley after the store closes, maybe ends up making some friends and working at the movie theatre? She could at least have a name... Sara?


I agree, it would be nice to have mode interactions with Marlon and Gil: they live in the valley and contributes to its security. So they are important members of the community.

Gunther, it would be interesting to know more about him. I don't understand why we never see him outside of museum, he never attends festival... Unless he doesn't live in Stardew Valley and comes here only to run the museum.

Morris... I don't like him as he is the villain, but I agree that it would be interesting to know more about him and have more interaction, especially for players that choose the Joja route.

As for Joja cashier, in my opinion, she is a poor lady living in the far suburb of Zuzu City and she has to drive many miles daily to do an extremely low wage job as a cashier, job that is still better that being unemployed.
Mad? I can’t say that. I do think it’s a lost opportunity, and I hoped they get fleshed out better someday, but … I can’t even imagine solo developing and maintaining a game like this. I get lines had to be drawn somewhere.


I think Stardew Valley Expanded mod makes these characters come alive and you can speak to them, if modding is a possibility for you. If not, then no, unfortunately they aren’t friend-able NPC’s. It’s unfortunate. You can sometimes talk to Gunther and Gil at the movie theater on the rare occasions they go. Without mods. Marlon and Gil come more alive at the desert festival and Marlon attends most festivals.

Personally I’d also like to see dusty more often and in a more humane living arrangement. It’d be nice to be able to pet him. 🥰. Again in Stardew valley expanded he is much more free and has better living conditions and you can pet him even.
I did really like that we can at least talk with Marlon in the festivals, and get a feel of his character but the rest is left to imagination haha. At least Morris is important enough he gets his own picture à la the bachelor(ettes), so for the Joja-inclined, you can appreciate that bit of tidbit.

With that being said, I don't really mind that certain characters aren't fully revealed because some imagination / interpretation of unrevealed things make the valley more interesting and mysterious than knowing every motive or mood of every characters; it also gives room for potential future content adds, too, so I'm pretty content with how the game is at the moment. It sounds like SDV Expanded fills the role for those who want a bit more, too!