I started playing a while ago, and I was wondering who provides the best experience and post marriage experience.
Haley is the bestI started playing a while ago, and I was wondering who provides the best experience and post marriage experience.
Honestly, I really love Leah. I like how she’s an adult that actually has everything together and lives on her own; also I enjoy supporting her art career :DI started playing a while ago, and I was wondering who provides the best experience and post marriage experience.
To add on to both of our points too, age/perceived age/maturity can also be a deciding factor for some. While it could be considered an aspect of personality (behaviorally), I think it's also worth mentioning purely because of the sheer amount of people I see who could 'never be with X' npc because of how young they feel. Definitely makes sense if you're older and looking back at someone like Sam or Abigail who are (perceptually) really young even without listed ages.I agree with @FilthyGorilla. Basically, you will have the same behaviours whoever you choose to marry.
Gifts are not game changers, especially as they are random and not daily. They are usefull, yes, but do not make your decision based on that.
Bachelors/bachelorettes personnality (and therefore their dialogue lines) should be your main reason to pick one rather than the other. This means that only you can decide who would be the best spouse for your farmer!
I love Haley! I always marry her whenever I make a new save, but Penny is okay, too. She redesigns the rooms.I started playing a while ago, and I was wondering who provides the best experience and post marriage experience.