Forge building


I am very new in the game. How do I find or get to the Caldera? And what does to take to get the mining mastery. I am in the mine often but haven’t gone very deep yet.

Lew Zealand

Here is the general order of things before you reach the Forge to be able to forge your Weapons and Tools (I'll spoiler everything after the first):

1. Complete the Community Center (or complete the Joja Community Development Projects)
2. Fix Willy's Boat
3. Open up Ginger Island to where the North section is available
4. Make your way through all 10 Levels of the Volcano

You will find the Forge there. There will be a shortcut you need to open to get back there quickly without needing to do #4 every time. Don't forget to do this first!

For the Mini-Forge RennyBenny mentioned, you will get that pretty late in the game after you get all your game skills (Farming, Foraging, Mining, etc.) to Level 10. At that point, you will gain access to a spot in Cindersap Forest which will let you choose from some more game tools and options. After you gain even more XP of course... One of those options is the Mini-Forge you can use to forge your stuff in the comfort of your Farmhouse!

Lew Zealand

I am feeling I need a silo but I need 5 gold bars to get it. How do I get those without a forge?
Ah! I get it now, you need the Furnace! Clint will give you the recipe in a cutscene the morning after you mine your first Ore Node (likely Copper Node). You will need 25 Stone and 20 Copper Ore to make a Furnace. You can get the Copper Ore from pickaxeing
Copper Nodes in the Mines, or on your Farm if you have the Hilltop or Four Corners farms with their little Mining patches.

If you already have the Stone and Copper Ore, place them in your Inventory, open up your Crafting Menu (it's the tab with the Hammer icon in your Pause screen), and select the
Furnace icon to Craft it.

Also you only need Copper Bars for the Silo, not Gold, so that will be easier to get as Copper is available in the upper Levels of the Mines while Gold is in the lower Levels. The Furnace itself requires 5 Ores and 1 Coal (you'll find this in the Mines by pickaxeing Stones) to craft 1 Bar, so you'll need a total of 25 Copper Ore and 5 Coal for those 5 Copper Bars to give to Robin to build your Silo. So that's 45 Copper Ore total for both the Furnace and the Bars for the Silo.
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Where is crafting?
Open your inventory, there is a section with a little hammer, and when you open it, there will be the recipes for crafting items. Since you just started the game, I'm assuming the only thing you'll have access to a furnace to make metal bars, and you have to collect five or and one charcoal to make a metal bar, you can use metal bars and go to Clint's blacksmith shop to upgrade your tools you need five bars of metal to upgrade. The forge is on Ginger island, and you will find it at the very top after passing all 10 of the volcano mind levels. The forge gives your tools powers, and a special effects.


if you go to crafting, it should have the recipe to make it somewhere in there.
Only after getting 10 in all skill levels, then visit Grandpa’s secret mastery cave (in Cindersap forest an door in the cliff by the spring onion patches behind a tree) and then earn enough mastery points (doing any sort of skill towards a sort of extra experience points.). You will get the recipe by unlocking the mining plaque inside mastery cave. I hope that helps let me know if I’m not making sense.


We've discovered that OP was using "Forge" to signify "Furnace."
Ok well just go to mines, bust some rocks that have shiny ores in them and within a day or two Clint will visit you and give you the blueprints to make one. Sometimes if you really lucky you will hit an artifact spot with your hoe and get some copper ore before the mines even open, which will trigger that Clint cut scene that gives you the blueprints too.