[SPOILER] Full item list IDs (1.6 update)


Hii, So I tried doing the batch copy thing from my Stardew valley Mobile (1.6)

I cannot paste it fully as it says name unavailable and cuts the name short again. May you please assist me in this? I genuinely need help and I am new to this game aswell. Please help. I am looking forward to your reply


[KUTIPAN="MateusAquino, pos: 120446, anggota: 63294"]
Hai teman-teman o/

Saya telah mengerjakan alat untuk membantu Anda menemukan ID setiap item di Stardew Valley yang diperbarui untuk pembaruan 1.6 : https://mateusaquino.github.io/stardewids/

Dengan dua perubahan baru 1.6:
- ID string unik
- Perintah dialog pengganti gender baru

Sekarang dimungkinkan untuk memunculkan item apa pun dalam permainan, namun, beberapa ID item terlalu besar, tetapi sekarang kita dapat melewati batas lebar kotak teks hewan peliharaan tanpa merusak ID item menggunakan perintah dialog baru. Dengan menggunakan fitur salin alat ini, Anda dapat melakukannya untuk item apa pun.

Silakan saja menggunakannya, tapi tanggung risiko Anda sendiri :)

A It looks like the copy doesn't work properly or I don't understand how to use it. Is there a video tutorial for installing the long ID?


Hey guys, for Mobile the breaking lines glitch doesn't work (even on 1.6+), unfortunately. However I've just updated the website to enable "Chat Cheats" which you can use on mobile too. It just doesn't allow batching a lot of items at the same time, however long IDs works just fine
cc: @SAINtJHN @KillBotJimmy


Hey guys o/

I've been working on a tool to help you find the IDs of every single item in Stardew Valley updated for the 1.6 update: https://mateusaquino.github.io/stardewids/

With the new two 1.6 changes:
- Unique string IDs
- New gender replacer dialogue command

It's now possible to spawn any item in the game, however, some of the items IDs are too big, but now we can bypass the pet's textbox width limit without breaking the item ID using the new dialogue command. Using the copy feature of this tool you can do this for any item.

Feel free to use it, but do it at your own risk :)
Hi, just wondering if you would have any idea if using ID codes would cause my game to crash at end of day? It’s happened twice and i’m scared to run a full day and have it happen again but it’s been since I used this - i’m on Mac btw not sure if maybe IOS can’t handle it?


Hi, just wondering if you would have any idea if using ID codes would cause my game to crash at end of day? It’s happened twice and i’m scared to run a full day and have it happen again but it’s been since I used this - i’m on Mac btw not sure if maybe IOS can’t handle it?
I've never seen it crash like this tbh, maybe editing the files to allow chat cheats could be more dangerous and corrupt your save if you do it wrong (and without having a backup), but once it's enabled your save should be fine if you only use the "/item" command.
If you feel more comfortable though it's okay to only spawn the items in the beginning of the day, but spawning items should not corrupt your save file.

Please note the documentation says you might corrupt your world also by running other /debug commands without knowing what they might do:

Don't use these commands unless you're aware of the possible consequences.
These are meant for the game developers, not players. They may crash your game, permanently corrupt or break your save, or cause other problems. Using these in a save you care about is not recommended.
- ref: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Console_commands#Debug_commands


@oztrotic that's not what I mean by batching items, getting 999 is already possible in the tool, I mean getting multiple items at once (eg StardropTea + Wood in one command), which is possible using Marnie's chicken glitch but not possible through a single /item command



When using chat commands I was able to do it for some items but when BC items it would give me this response back anyone know why?


@Iamjona Are you using the copy buttons?


If you have already enabled the chat cheats toggles in the tool, whenever you copy it with the button it should already give you the command:

/item (BC)MiniForge

In your case, as you are copying the item manually you should remove these brackets around the item id "[]"


hi i found your list really helpful however i was looking for the staue id’s but cant seem to find them, i got thr lerfection statue from your list a couple of days ago but it doent seem to be there anymore am i looking in the wrong place or did you remove the statue id’s altogether? Sorry for being stupid


@OddestPrimal the chicken bypass glitch won't work on console. However I'm not sure about chat cheats, try following the steps in the website and check if it works for you. I haven't tried it nor do I know anyone who has. :s


@Monterraso hey there o/

Dried Apricots won't show in the list as they don't have an ID, they are flavored items (just like wine, juice, jelly, etc)
The only way to get them is through modding or via Chat Cheats (v1.6.9+, you can turn on the "Chat cheats" toggle in the tool for a tutorial on how to enable it in your save):

/iq FLAVORED_ITEM DriedFruit (O)634

fyi: this command queries for a flavored item (available options are: Wine, Jelly, Pickle, Juice, Roe, AgedRoe, Honey, Bait, DriedFruit, DriedMushroom, or SmokedFish)
and mixes it with whatever item you specify, in this case 634 is Apricot

Item Querying: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Item_queries#Available_queries
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Hola, chicos. Lamentablemente, el problema de las líneas que se rompen no funciona en dispositivos móviles (ni siquiera en la versión 1.6 o superior). Sin embargo, acabo de actualizar el sitio web para habilitar los "trucos de chat" que también se pueden usar en dispositivos móviles. No permite agrupar muchos elementos al mismo tiempo, pero las identificaciones largas funcionan perfectamente.
cc: [USUARIO=87762]@SAINtJHN[/USUARIO] [USUARIO=86308]@KillBotJimmy[/USUARIO]
yolaaa buenos días quien ayuda con los códigos salen muy largos y no me deja


@anni1993 if you're on mobile just follow the steps from the website to enable chat cheats, then you'll be able to type the commands in the chat. pressing the button to copy more than one should also work up to 999 items,

note: in the bottom right corner there is a language selector, you can try selecting spanish there instead of using google translator, I believe the steps I translated to enable chat cheats should be more accurate than google's, but try it out :)


Hey guys o/

I've been working on a tool to help you find the IDs of every single item in Stardew Valley updated for the 1.6 update: https://mateusaquino.github.io/stardewids/

With the new two 1.6 changes:
- Unique string IDs
- New gender replacer dialogue command

It's now possible to spawn any item in the game, however, some of the items IDs are too big, but now we can bypass the pet's textbox width limit without breaking the item ID using the new dialogue command. Using the copy feature of this tool you can do this for any item.

Feel free to use it, but do it at your own risk :)
Hi, first i want to thank you for your items id list. It is very useful to me. But i want an iridium grade artisan item like iridium starfruit jelly just for my own satisfaction hoarding all iridium grade items, can you please help me?