New to stardew valley


Hi! I got stardew valley today on PS4 and im a bit confused… I’ve been doing the quests, for example get 15 copper and give it to cilt. I got the copper and it said I had, but it wouldn’t give an option to give it him?
It’s also happening to robins lost axe quest, i have the axe but no option to give it her.
Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
Quests for ore, require you to actually collect the ore… ore you already have, doesn’t count. It’s not well spelled out, but that’s how it works. You just have to mine it and then talk to Clint.

Robin’s axe, i think you need to put the cursor on and give it like a gift. But nothing wrong with just talking to them empty-handed first.


For Robin's quest, you don't even need to hand her the axe, just have it in your inventory and talk to her. There are a few other quests like that, where the object will be grabbed out of your inventory without you even thinking about it. For ore-gathering quests from Clint (and some other bulletin-board gathering quests from Robin, which are new in 1.6), as well as some monster-killing quests, you don't need to have anything in your inventory once you've gathered it. Just go talk to Clint (or Robin) -- or whoever your journal tells you to talk to after you've performed the task. The journal entry generally tells you what to do.


For Robin's quest, you don't even need to hand her the axe, just have it in your inventory and talk to her. There are a few other quests like that, where the object will be grabbed out of your inventory without you even thinking about it. For ore-gathering quests from Clint (and some other bulletin-board gathering quests from Robin, which are new in 1.6), as well as some monster-killing quests, you don't need to have anything in your inventory once you've gathered it. Just go talk to Clint (or Robin) -- or whoever your journal tells you to talk to after you've performed the task. The journal entry generally tells you what to do.
thank you!! how do I talk to them???


thank you!! how do I talk to them???
If you mean you can't get to them if you're in their shop, just go behind the counter to talk to them. Trying to interact 'over' the counter will just open the shop menu. Or catch them when they're not in the shop, most characters move around - try the saloon in the evening, a lot of them go there. There's full character schedules on the wiki if you'd like to know and don't mind spoilers. :cool: