How to get Tea Set


Two days ago, it was Christmas and for my farmer, it was also the Feast of Winter Star. She got a gift from Evelyn: her famous season shaped cookies.

Despite the cookies being tasty and crunchy, my farmer would have loved to get a Tea Set.

In all the years I've been playing Stardew Valley (I mean real life years), I had plenty of Feasts of the Winter Star with my farmers, I got countless cookies, eggs and clays, but only one Tea Set. Luckily, it was with the farmer who needed it the most.

However, I remember reading that RNG can be manipulated to reliably get a Tea Set when entering the Feast at a specific time. Can someone share his/her knowledge on this matter?

Lew Zealand

I'm here for when The Answer is revealed as it's Winter Year 5 for Farmer Bobbi who remains unable to properly set Tea and that's only this version, there have been many others and all have remained Tea Set-less. If it's based on daytime RNG, then I must be playing far too consistently, thus avoiding the delicate conditions for receipt of proper bone china. I think it has something to do with starting the Feast around Noon, but yeah nothing more specific than that.


Best candidate to give it, is usually Caroline. You have to try entering the town at different times until you get lucky, but with her, it is around 13:00 +

The exact time you enter and depending on which tile the NPC is (cannot see that, not is there a way to guess), dictates the specific gift item you're getting. For other ones, i don't know the precise timing, sorry. But you have to tamper a lot and kill time (try each and every 10 in game minutes).


Two days ago, it was Christmas and for my farmer, it was also the Feast of Winter Star. She got a gift from Evelyn: her famous season shaped cookies.

Despite the cookies being tasty and crunchy, my farmer would have loved to get a Tea Set.

In all the years I've been playing Stardew Valley (I mean real life years), I had plenty of Feasts of the Winter Star with my farmers, I got countless cookies, eggs and clays, but only one Tea Set. Luckily, it was with the farmer who needed it the most.

However, I remember reading that RNG can be manipulated to reliably get a Tea Set when entering the Feast at a specific time. Can someone share his/her knowledge on this matter?
To add, if you’re crazy enough, you can buy the tea set from the traveling merchant at year 25 for 100,000g lolol :grin: :hlevel: :g:
If your save permits dynamic seeding, this is the perfect candidate for its use case, because if you didn't get Teaset the day of, just switch to another seed until you get it! In fact, I got a crazy seed where I got two Teasets (two player) in one holiday!


Local Legend
If it hasn't changed in 1.6 (not sure tbh), it depends on the tile location that the npc that's gifting you is standing on outside of the festival (in their standard routing for that day) when you enter the festival

It's not the easiest to get your hands on proper schedules for each npc though, but you8 can just enter at different times of the day (maybe 30 minutes/1 hour apart to not waste your time) and reset/add another 30mins/1hour if you don't get it.

No guarantee that you do however, you could be unlucky and not get it, especially with npcs that don't move a lot on that day.