Solved Cant get divorced


It seems to be affecting a fair few of us.

Initially, I doved the children first, then filed for divorce, so I tried again with just the divorce and had the same issue.

My version is:, which I think is up to date. Also, I'm not sure if the spouse is the issue, but just in case, I tried divorcing Sebastian.


thank GOD im not the only one with this problem!! i was losing my mind over this because it wont let me divorce emily at all. they really need to fix this bug, im not sure what it is but it seems like its an issue on all systems right now

Lew Zealand

The team has received a lot of feedback about this bug, it's sure to be fixed whenever the next bugfix update happens. No idea when that'll be, however.

Stardew Man

Patiently waiting. Game crashes when you save at night. I tried moving my stuff out of her area in case the game glitches over that.. dove-ing the kid.. nothing works.

evergreen oak

It's already next year and this issue hasn't been fixed
Yeah it is honestly rather ridiculous how long y'all are being made to wait. But, unfortunately, it's nothing new with CA and teams' development processes. I get that their work isn't easy, I do. But that doesn't mean it isn't also disappointing and frustrating for fans who either aren't able to play on PC or don't want to play on PC to bear with these delays. And that's all there is to it


Guys I think i fixed it somehow!! I am like 77 hours into my game and I have the island unlocked. I filed for divorce, went to the island, got all my health depleted, then went back and went to bed. the game didnt crash. i sharded my kids the next day. i am playing on a switch.


Guys I think i fixed it somehow!! I am like 77 hours into my game and I have the island unlocked. I filed for divorce, went to the island, got all my health depleted, then went back and went to bed. the game didnt crash. i sharded my kids the next day. i am playing on a switch.
This worked for me!!! Thank you