Marriage for Other NPCs and Other Suggestions

Which relationship(s) would you rather see progress in Stardew Valley? Choose up to 3

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Have you ever wished that other NPC's romances would progress after you get married? Well, I have. And I also understand the concern that if you get divorced and want to marry another NPC, if they are already married to someone else it would destroy the game's dynamic. Also, have you ever wanted to ask an NPC more about their history and background? Well, here are my solutions and suggestions -

Marriage for Marnie and Lewis
Ah... Marnie and Lewis. The forbidden lovers of Stardew Valley. I, for one, have always rooted for them. So here are my suggestions to progress their relationship: After reaching 10 hearts with both of them, I think that Marnie and Lewis should get married. The marriage ceremony would be the same as the player's wedding ceremony, but here are some changes that would be made. First, instead of Lewis marrying the couple, they would be married by the Governer. The ceremony would take place on Fall 7 Year 2+ (I really don't know why I picked Fall :smile:). This is what the Governer would say - "Today we are all gathered here to celebrate the love of Lewis and Marnie." "I don't usually officiate marriages, but for my good friend Lewis I have made an exception." "It is my great honor on this day 7 of Fall, to unite Lewis and Marnie in the bonds of marriage." "Well, let's get right to it!" "Lewis... Marnie..." "As the governor and regional bearer of the matrimonial seal, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" "You may kiss." That day both of them will have special dialogue - Marnie will say, "I can't believe it's finally happening... I've been dreaming about this for years." Lewis will say "I'm glad I realized that my career isn't as important as you." The whole day they will sit on the bench near the Mayor's house. The following villagers will have different dialogue:
Penny "Mayor Lewis got married! I still can't believe it. I hope I'll find true love someday... *sigh*"
Caroline "Marnie really deserves a happy life. I'm glad she decided to settle."
Evelyn "I wish those two the best. Ah... to be young again..."
George "Me? Oh, I don't care for that wedding stuff."
Gus "Marnie and Lewis? Oh yeah, I knew it would happen eventually."
Jas "Aunt Marnie got married today. I hope she can still play with me though."
Jodi "I can't believe Lewis and Marnie got married today! Don't tell Marnie I told you this, but she told me this was always her secret wish."
Kent "Oh, Lewis and Marnie? Never really knew them, but they're always kind to me."
Krobus "I heard some humans were... what do you call it? Oh, married. They were married today."
Linus "I never really knew Marnie, but I'm glad Lewis finally settled and married. He deserves to be happy."
I know there are a bunch of NPCs missing from this list (specifically Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru, Clint, Demetrius, Dwarf, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Vincent, Willy, and the Wizard), I just couldn't think of any dialogue that would be interesting, fit into the NPC's unique personality, and not be too repetitive. Please help with this in the comments!
Lewis and Marnie's schedules would not change too much, they would still live in the same house, but on Saturdays and Sundays, they will have a slight change in schedule* -
*The schedule will revert back to Lewis and Marnie's regular raining schedules if it is raining. Also, Marnie has the same schedule throughout the year for Saturdays and Sundays. Marnie will retain the same schedule except after she goes to her room at 4:00 pm, the schedule will be as follows -
Spring Saturdays - Lewis will leave the museum at 4:00 pm and will walk to Marnie's house. Once at Marnie's he will walk into Marnie's bedroom and stand next to her. When talked to, they will show the dialogue as follows - Lewis will say "So Marnie, what do you think of my new haircut?" Marnie will say "It's very nice. Where did you get it cut?" At 6:00 pm they will both walk back to the Saloon. There they will stand in their regular places and have the same dialogue as they did pre-wedding. At 9:00 pm Lewis will walk Marnie home and then head back to his own house.
Spring Sundays - At 3:00 pm Lewis will leave the tree left of Harvey's Clinic and walk to his house. Marnie, instead of closing shop at 4:00 pm, will close her shop at 2:30 pm. She will also leave at 3:00 pm. At around 4:30 pm (this is a very rough estimate) they will both be at the Mayor's manor (obviously Lewis will arrive first, then Marnie will join him). They will stand next to the oven, presumably cooking together. At 5:30 pm they will walk over to the Pelican Town book. Then at 7:00 pm, Lewis will take Marnie for a quick drink at the Saloon. They will leave at 8:00 pm, reach the manor by 8:30, then stand next to Lewis's dresser together. They will have a special dialogue then - Marnie will say "How was your week? Was it a productive one?" Lewis will say "It was spent with you, so it was a week well spent." At 9:30 pm Lewis will go with Marnie to her house, drop her off there, then head back to the manor.
Summer Saturdays - Lewis will leave the museum to walk to Marnie's house at 4:00 pm and reach there at around 5:30 pm. Once he arrives, Marnie will walk over to the refrigerator while he stands where he usually stands when he comes to "fulfill Marnie's business needs." At 6:20 pm, he and Marnie will stand side by side next to the table, presumably eating what Marnie took out of the fridge. They will have special dialogue when interacted with - Marnie will say "How is it? I made it specially for you." Lewis will say "*Hack* Well... it's *wince* great, honey!" At 7:30 pm Lewis will walk to the Saloon with Marnie, reaching around 8:30 pm. They will stay there until 10:30 pm. 9:30-10:30 pm Lewis will have special dialogue - "It's getting late... let's head home soon." At 10:30 they will leave and head to Marnie's house. Lewis will then leave for his own home.
Summer Sundays - Marnie will close up shop at 1:00 pm and go stand next to Lewis on the pier (on the beach). While there, they will have special dialogue - Lewis will say "The waves crashing against the pier brings back old memories... *sigh*" Marnie will say "Hello. The beach is a great place to escape the realities of life, don't you think?" At 4:00 pm they will head to the fountain near the Community Center. They will reach around 5:30 pm and leave at 7:00 pm to go to the Saloon. After reaching the Saloon at around 7:30 pm, they will go to the arcade and stand in front of the arcade machines, presumably playing the game. Marnie will stand next to the Junimo Kart game, and Lewis will stand next to the Prarie King game. They will have special dialogue, as follows - Lewis will say "This game is so difficult... how are you doing at Junimo Kart, Marnie?" Marnie will say "Not too great... but playing arcade games does make me feel young again..." At 9:00 pm, they will head back to Lewis' manor. After reaching around 9:30 pm, they will stand next to Mayor Lewis' table. Then at 10:30, Lewis will walk Marnie back home. After reaching the ranch at around 11:30, Lewis will walk back home.
Fall 7 - Marnie and Lewis will get out of bed at 6:30 am and meet at the bench near Mayor Lewis' house. Lewis will arrive at approximately 6:50 am, and Marnie will arrive around 7:30 am. At the bench, they will have a special dialogue. Lewis will say "I can't believe it's our anniversary already. Time flies by when I spend it with you." Marnie will say "Lewis, you're so sweet." At 9 am Marnie will walk to her house, presumably to get something she forgot. At 9:10 am Lewis will get up and go to Pierre's (he will reach around 9:30 am) and his dialogue will be "I'm just here to buy a surprise bouquet of flowers for Marnie to celebrate our anniversary." He will head back to the bench at 9:50 am (near the Saloon and the Mayor's Manor) and reach around 10:20 am. Marnie will head back to the bench around 9:50 am also and reach at around 10:50 am. At the bench, they will have a special dialogue. Lewis will say "For you, Marnie. These flowers may be beautiful, but they can never be as beautiful as you." Marnie will say, "Lewis, that's so sweet. I'm so glad I decided to marry you." Then at 11:30 am they will both get up and walk to the fountain near the Community Center. They will reach around 12:30 pm and sit at the bench west of the fountain. They will both have a special dialogue - Lewis will say "These colorful leaves are breathtaking... just like you." Marnie will say "Lewis..." At 2:30 pm they will both get up and go to the pier on the beach. They will reach around 4:00 pm and leave at 6:00 pm. Then they will reach the Saloon at around 7:00 pm. They will leave for the Mayor's Manor at 10:00 pm, and reach at around 10:20 pm. At 1:30 am Marnie and Lewis can be seen sneaking out of Mayor Lewis' house. They will both have the same dialogue - "Shh... let's not wake up the neighbors." They will reach around 2:30 am, and Marnie will say "I had a great day. Thank you, Lewis." (Although the player cannot access this dialogue without mods) Lewis will walk back to his house and reach around 3:30 am.
Fall Saturdays - 4:00 pm Marnie will close shop and walk to Pierres, reaching around 5:00 pm. Lewis is already at Pierre's store (he goes to Pierre's shop on Saturdays). They will stand next to the shelves, presumably shopping. At 7:00 pm they will go to the Saloon. They will have special dialogue - Marnie will say, "Have I told you lately that I love you?" Lewis will say "I love you too." At 10:00 pm Lewis will walk Marnie back to her home and they will reach around 11:00 pm. Lewis will walk back and reach his house around 12:00 am.
Fall Sundays - at 3:30 Lewis will leave the river near Lewis' house to go to Marnie's ranch. Marnie will have a special dialogue from 9:00 am to 3:30 am - "Lewis is coming over today. I got up early to clean. I want everything to be perfect for him." Lewis will arrive around 4:00 pm. They will walk over to the pier on the pond in Cindersap Forest. After arriving around 4:30 pm they will leave at 6:00 pm. They will have a special dialogue while there - Lewis will say "I've never really been to this place before. Before I married you, I never used to visit Cindersap Forest." Marnie will say "Oh Lewis. You know as well as I do that despite us not being married, you used to visit me a lo-Oh! Hello, [PlayerName]."
Winter Saturdays and Sundays - Lewis walks over to Marnie's house at 9:00 am, reaches around 10:00 am, and stands next to her behind the counter. Marnie closes shop at 5:00 pm and then she goes inside her room with Lewis. They will both have special dialogue - Marnie will say "Brr... It's cold. I hope my animals are warm." Lewis will say "Marnie, don't worry. They'll be fine." At 7:00 pm she and Lewis will walk to the Saloon, reaching around 8:00 pm. They will leave at 10:30 pm and Lewis will walk Marnie back, reach around 11:00 pm, and then he will walk back to his house, reaching around 12:00 am.

Renewing Wedding Vows
I think a cute idea could be that each couple renews their vows every year. This would start on Year 2+. Both of them would have to be at least at 4 hearts. Here are my ideas:
Caroline and Pierre - They would renew their vows on Spring 3. Both of them will have special dialogue - Caroline will say "Did you know Pierre and I have been married for over 20 years now?" Pierre will say "We may have our disagreements and differences, but above all Caroline and I love each other."
Demetrius and Robin - They would renew their vows on Winter 12. Both of them will have special dialogue - Demetrius will say (I have no idea what he should say! Leave some ideas in the comments please) Robin will say "Demetrius may not have been my first husband, but he is the best one, by far."
Evelyn and George - They would renew their vows on Summer 26. Both of them will have special dialogue - Evelyn will say "George has never been a romantic, but I love him anyway." George will say "Evelyn and I used to be so close when we were young... But I'm glad we haven't completely drifted apart."
Jodi and Kent - They would renew their vows on Fall 8 (enough time for the player to bring Kent to 4 hearts). Both of them will have special dialogue - Jodi will say "I've been married to Kent for... how long now? Hmm... well the only thing that matters is that we still love each other after all these years." Kent will say "Even after the war, the one thing that didn't change is that I still love my wife."

I think you should be able to ask the NPCs questions. Like when you click on them for dialogue, if they are above 8 hearts, you can ask them a question. Here's how it would work:
If you are at 8+ hearts with the NPC, you will have a minimum of 2 questions you can ask them. These opportunities only come around once a year, depending on your luck. So if you click on an NPC, like you usually do to talk with them, if you are at 8+ hearts there is a 1% chance that two options will pop up. Your luck will affect this chance. Here is an example of some questions: You can ask Caroline either one of these things - "Do you know who the Wizard is?" or "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter." They will have a special dialogue that will answer your question or statement. Once you've asked an NPC a question, you can't ask it again. For example, the two options for Caroline ("Do you know who the Wizard is?" and "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter.") will not change, except for the question you picked the first time will not be available anymore. (e.g. if you picked "Do you know who the Wizard is?" you can't pick that again, you have to pick the other option/options). Here are some questions that you might be able to ask the NPCs:
KEY - ??? means I'm not sure about this, please tell me what you think this should be in the comments.
- You can ask them either "What happened to your dad?" , "Why don't you ever study?" or "How did you become friends with Haley?".
Elliot - You can ask them either "When did you discover your passion for writing?" or "Who or what is your main inspiration for your book?".
Harvey - You can ask them either "Do you ever feel lonely?" , "Why don't you eat healthily although you always encourage your patients to do so?" or "What's it like being a doctor in the valley?".
Sam - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Penny? She's very different from Sebastian and Abigail.", or "Do you really think your band is going to be a success?".
Sebastian - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Sam?" , "Do you ever plan on asking Abigail out?" or "Who's your father?".
Shane - You can ask them either "Why did Jas' parents make you her godfather?" , "Why and when did you start drinking?" or "Why do you like chickens so much?".
Abigail - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Sam?" or "You know Sebastian has a crush on you, right?".
Maru - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Penny?", or "Do you get along with Sebastian?".
Penny - You can ask them either "When did your father leave you?" , "When did your mother start drinking?" or "Do you ever plan on moving out of the trailer?".
Caroline - You can ask them either "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter.", or "Do you know who the Wizard is?".
Demetrius - You can ask them either "When did you first get interested in science?", or "???".
Evelyn - You can ask them either "Where did you learn to bake?", or "Was George always so grumpy?".
George - You can ask them either "Why do you hate everybody so much?", "How did you meet Evelyn?" or "What happened to your leg?".
Jas - You can ask them either "What happened to your parents?" , "Do you like Shane?", "Who's your favorite person in the valley?" or "What was your grandfather like?" (I got the inspiration for the last one from Jas' bedroom, where one of the text boxes in her dollhouse says "The little family is gathered around the dinner table. Wait... except Grandpa. He's wedged under the bed for some reason.").
Jodi - You can ask them either "Is Kent different after he came back from the war?" (Only in Year 2+) , "What's it like being a single mom?" (Only in Year 1) or "Are you worried about Sam's future?".
Kent - You can ask them either "What was it like in the war?" or "Why did you leave to go to the war?".
Lewis - You can ask them either "Do you ever think about settling down and marrying... maybe Marnie?" , "Why do you and Marnie keep your relationship secret?" or "Don't you think there's more to life than being Mayor?".
Linus - You can ask them either "How did you end up living like this?" or "Do you ever regret deciding to live like this?".
Marnie - You can ask them either "Why do you keep your relationship with the Mayor a secret?" , "Why does Jas live with you?" or "".
Pam - You can ask them either "Where did your husband go?" , "Stop treating Penny like she's dirt. She's your own daughter." or "Why do you live in a trailer?".
Pierre - You can ask them either "Do you ever get worried about the future of the shop?", or "Do you think Abigail is really your daughter?".
Robin - You can ask them either "Why did you leave your first marriage?", or "Who is Sebastian's father?".
Vincent - You can ask them either "Is Jas your best friend?", or "How did you feel about your dad going off to war?".
Wizard - You can ask them either "When did you leave the Witch?" , "Is Abigail your daughter?" or "I know you had an affair with Caroline.".
Again, I know there are a bunch of NPCs missing from this list (specifically Emily, Haley, Maru, Clint, Demetrius, Dwarf, Gus, Krobus, Sandy, and Willy), I just couldn't think of any questions that would be interesting, fit into the NPC's unique personality, and not be too repetitive. Please help with this in the comments!

Other suggestions
  1. When you get married, the villagers should say something about it! Every time I get married, the entire town ignores the fact that I'm a newly wedded woman, and I find that really annoying. So maybe they could say something along the lines of "I hope your marriage is as successful as mine." (if they're married to someone) or "I hope you enjoy the married life!" or even some recognition from people who used to have a crush on your spouse, such as Clint with Emily or Sebastian with Abigail. Maybe something like "*Sigh* I should have told her/him how I felt... Oh! Hi, [Player Name]." That would be much more interesting. I know that Alex does this if you marry Haley, but there are so many more romantic relationships in Stardew Valley that have never really been expressed!
  2. This is also a bit along the lines of my first suggestion. Did you ever notice how Alex says, "Hey, can you go find Haley and tell her I said 'hi'?” or “Hey, [Player Name]. Could you do me a favor? If you see Haley, tell her I'm busy. Thanks.” I definitely have. And I think that if you go talk to Haley after Alex has that dialogue (the same day) she'll say something like "Oh, can you tell Alex I said hi back?" or "Really? Hmm... wonder what he's busy with...?" It would add a lot more to the game's dynamic.
Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions! Please don't put any negative comments as I worked very hard on this (for longer than I should be admitting...) If you have any other ways to improve my suggestions, like I said, I'd love to hear your comments! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them! Thanks again :happy:
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Wow, you took a lot of effort writing all this up!

Marnie & Lewis: I like the idea of them getting married. I don't like the idea of Marnie closing her shop even earlier ;)

Other relationships progressing: To me, most of the pairings seem more like friends than couples.
Sebby has a crush on Abby, and they are friends and she might also have a crush on him.
Haley and Alex might be in love.
Clint definitely likes Emily, but I wouldn't expect her to fall in love with him.
Harvey must be at least 10 years older than Maru, and he is also her boss, so a relationship would feel wrong to me.
Leah and Elliot don't feel like lovers to me.
Sam and Penny seem like they are friends because they are neighbors and played together as kids. I don't see much romance there.
Shane and Penny might actually be a realistic couple, because she is already codependet on her mother and might pick a similar partner. That would be a bit depressing, though.

I've often wanted to have more dialogue options in the game.
When Abby first meets you, she is sorry because she liked the overgrown farm and I would like to invite her to hang out, because my farm is gonna take a long time to fix up ;)
When Maru asks me to tell a story about farming, why can't I choose one to tell? She just says it's interesting.

Some of your questions already get answered in normal dialogue, but in general it's well imagined!

For the missing question for Demetrius, how about asking if being a step dad is difficult to him? Or maybe, when and why they moved into the valley? I can't decide whether Robin always lived there and he moved to be with her, or if they moved after getting married as a family.
Wow, you took a lot of effort writing all this up!

Marnie & Lewis: I like the idea of them getting married. I don't like the idea of Marnie closing her shop even earlier ;)

Other relationships progressing: To me, most of the pairings seem more like friends than couples.
Sebby has a crush on Abby, and they are friends and she might also have a crush on him.
Haley and Alex might be in love.
Clint definitely likes Emily, but I wouldn't expect her to fall in love with him.
Harvey must be at least 10 years older than Maru, and he is also her boss, so a relationship would feel wrong to me.
Leah and Elliot don't feel like lovers to me.
Sam and Penny seem like they are friends because they are neighbors and played together as kids. I don't see much romance there.
Shane and Penny might actually be a realistic couple, because she is already codependet on her mother and might pick a similar partner. That would be a bit depressing, though.

I've often wanted to have more dialogue options in the game.
When Abby first meets you, she is sorry because she liked the overgrown farm and I would like to invite her to hang out, because my farm is gonna take a long time to fix up ;)
When Maru asks me to tell a story about farming, why can't I choose one to tell? She just says it's interesting.

Some of your questions already get answered in normal dialogue, but in general it's well imagined!

For the missing question for Demetrius, how about asking if being a step dad is difficult to him? Or maybe, when and why they moved into the valley? I can't decide whether Robin always lived there and he moved to be with her, or if they moved after getting married as a family.
Thanks for your suggestions! I think that the questions you thought up on Demetrius are really good, and you're right, Marnie closing up even earlier might not be the best idea. Anyway, thanks for your opinion!


Have you ever wished that other NPC's romances would progress after you get married? Well, I have. And I also understand the concern that if you get divorced and want to marry another NPC, if they are already married to someone else it would destroy the game's dynamic. Also, have you ever wanted to ask an NPC more about their history and background? Well, here are my solutions and suggestions -

Marriage for Marnie and Lewis
Ah... Marnie and Lewis. The forbidden lovers of Stardew Valley. I, for one, have always rooted for them. So here are my suggestions to progress their relationship: After reaching 10 hearts with both of them, I think that Marnie and Lewis should get married. The marriage ceremony would be the same as the player's wedding ceremony, but here are some changes that would be made. First, instead of Lewis marrying the couple, they would be married by the Governer. The ceremony would take place on Fall 7 Year 2+ (I really don't know why I picked Fall :smile:). This is what the Governer would say - "Today we are all gathered here to celebrate the love of Lewis and Marnie." "I don't usually officiate marriages, but for my good friend Lewis I have made an exception." "It is my great honor on this day 7 of Fall, to unite Lewis and Marnie in the bonds of marriage." "Well, let's get right to it!" "Lewis... Marnie..." "As the governor and regional bearer of the matrimonial seal, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" "You may kiss." That day both of them will have special dialogue - Marnie will say, "I can't believe it's finally happening... I've been dreaming about this for years." Lewis will say "I'm glad I realized that my career isn't as important as you." The whole day they will sit on the bench near the Mayor's house. The following villagers will have different dialogue:
Penny "Mayor Lewis got married! I still can't believe it. I hope I'll find true love someday... *sigh*"
Caroline "Marnie really deserves a happy life. I'm glad she decided to settle."
Evelyn "I wish those two the best. Ah... to be young again..."
George "Me? Oh, I don't care for that wedding stuff."
Gus "Marnie and Lewis? Oh yeah, I knew it would happen eventually."
Jas "Aunt Marnie got married today. I hope she can still play with me though."
Jodi "I can't believe Lewis and Marnie got married today! Don't tell Marnie I told you this, but she told me this was always her secret wish."
Kent "Oh, Lewis and Marnie? Never really knew them, but they're always kind to me."
Krobus "I heard some humans were... what do you call it? Oh, married. They were married today."
Linus "I never really knew Marnie, but I'm glad Lewis finally settled and married. He deserves to be happy."
I know there are a bunch of NPCs missing from this list (specifically Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru, Clint, Demetrius, Dwarf, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Vincent, Willy, and the Wizard), I just couldn't think of any dialogue that would be interesting, fit into the NPC's unique personality, and not be too repetitive. Please help with this in the comments!
Lewis and Marnie's schedules would not change too much, they would still live in the same house, but on Saturdays and Sundays, they will have a slight change in schedule* -
*The schedule will revert back to Lewis and Marnie's regular raining schedules if it is raining. Also, Marnie has the same schedule throughout the year for Saturdays and Sundays. Marnie will retain the same schedule except after she goes to her room at 4:00 pm, the schedule will be as follows -
Spring Saturdays - Lewis will leave the museum at 4:00 pm and will walk to Marnie's house. Once at Marnie's he will walk into Marnie's bedroom and stand next to her. When talked to, they will show the dialogue as follows - Lewis will say "So Marnie, what do you think of my new haircut?" Marnie will say "It's very nice. Where did you get it cut?" At 6:00 pm they will both walk back to the Saloon. There they will stand in their regular places and have the same dialogue as they did pre-wedding. At 9:00 pm Lewis will walk Marnie home and then head back to his own house.
Spring Sundays - At 3:00 pm Lewis will leave the tree left of Harvey's Clinic and walk to his house. Marnie, instead of closing shop at 4:00 pm, will close her shop at 2:30 pm. She will also leave at 3:00 pm. At around 4:30 pm (this is a very rough estimate) they will both be at the Mayor's manor (obviously Lewis will arrive first, then Marnie will join him). They will stand next to the oven, presumably cooking together. At 5:30 pm they will walk over to the Pelican Town book. Then at 7:00 pm, Lewis will take Marnie for a quick drink at the Saloon. They will leave at 8:00 pm, reach the manor by 8:30, then stand next to Lewis's dresser together. They will have a special dialogue then - Marnie will say "How was your week? Was it a productive one?" Lewis will say "It was spent with you, so it was a week well spent." At 9:30 pm Lewis will go with Marnie to her house, drop her off there, then head back to the manor.
Summer Saturdays - Lewis will leave the museum to walk to Marnie's house at 4:00 pm and reach there at around 5:30 pm. Once he arrives, Marnie will walk over to the refrigerator while he stands where he usually stands when he comes to "fulfill Marnie's business needs." At 6:20 pm, he and Marnie will stand side by side next to the table, presumably eating what Marnie took out of the fridge. They will have special dialogue when interacted with - Marnie will say "How is it? I made it specially for you." Lewis will say "*Hack* Well... it's *wince* great, honey!" At 7:30 pm Lewis will walk to the Saloon with Marnie, reaching around 8:30 pm. They will stay there until 10:30 pm. 9:30-10:30 pm Lewis will have special dialogue - "It's getting late... let's head home soon." At 10:30 they will leave and head to Marnie's house. Lewis will then leave for his own home.
Summer Sundays - Marnie will close up shop at 1:00 pm and go stand next to Lewis on the pier (on the beach). While there, they will have special dialogue - Lewis will say "The waves crashing against the pier brings back old memories... *sigh*" Marnie will say "Hello. The beach is a great place to escape the realities of life, don't you think?" At 4:00 pm they will head to the fountain near the Community Center. They will reach around 5:30 pm and leave at 7:00 pm to go to the Saloon. After reaching the Saloon at around 7:30 pm, they will go to the arcade and stand in front of the arcade machines, presumably playing the game. Marnie will stand next to the Junimo Kart game, and Lewis will stand next to the Prarie King game. They will have special dialogue, as follows - Lewis will say "This game is so difficult... how are you doing at Junimo Kart, Marnie?" Marnie will say "Not too great... but playing arcade games does make me feel young again..." At 9:00 pm, they will head back to Lewis' manor. After reaching around 9:30 pm, they will stand next to Mayor Lewis' table. Then at 10:30, Lewis will walk Marnie back home. After reaching the ranch at around 11:30, Lewis will walk back home.
Fall 7 - Marnie and Lewis will get out of bed at 6:30 am and meet at the bench near Mayor Lewis' house. Lewis will arrive at approximately 6:50 am, and Marnie will arrive around 7:30 am. At the bench, they will have a special dialogue. Lewis will say "I can't believe it's our anniversary already. Time flies by when I spend it with you." Marnie will say "Lewis, you're so sweet." At 9 am Marnie will walk to her house, presumably to get something she forgot. At 9:10 am Lewis will get up and go to Pierre's (he will reach around 9:30 am) and his dialogue will be "I'm just here to buy a surprise bouquet of flowers for Marnie to celebrate our anniversary." He will head back to the bench at 9:50 am (near the Saloon and the Mayor's Manor) and reach around 10:20 am. Marnie will head back to the bench around 9:50 am also and reach at around 10:50 am. At the bench, they will have a special dialogue. Lewis will say "For you, Marnie. These flowers may be beautiful, but they can never be as beautiful as you." Marnie will say, "Lewis, that's so sweet. I'm so glad I decided to marry you." Then at 11:30 am they will both get up and walk to the fountain near the Community Center. They will reach around 12:30 pm and sit at the bench west of the fountain. They will both have a special dialogue - Lewis will say "These colorful leaves are breathtaking... just like you." Marnie will say "Lewis..." At 2:30 pm they will both get up and go to the pier on the beach. They will reach around 4:00 pm and leave at 6:00 pm. Then they will reach the Saloon at around 7:00 pm. They will leave for the Mayor's Manor at 10:00 pm, and reach at around 10:20 pm. At 1:30 am Marnie and Lewis can be seen sneaking out of Mayor Lewis' house. They will both have the same dialogue - "Shh... let's not wake up the neighbors." They will reach around 2:30 am, and Marnie will say "I had a great day. Thank you, Lewis." (Although the player cannot access this dialogue without mods) Lewis will walk back to his house and reach around 3:30 am.
Fall Saturdays - 4:00 pm Marnie will close shop and walk to Pierres, reaching around 5:00 pm. Lewis is already at Pierre's store (he goes to Pierre's shop on Saturdays). They will stand next to the shelves, presumably shopping. At 7:00 pm they will go to the Saloon. They will have special dialogue - Marnie will say, "Have I told you lately that I love you?" Lewis will say "I love you too." At 10:00 pm Lewis will walk Marnie back to her home and they will reach around 11:00 pm. Lewis will walk back and reach his house around 12:00 am.
Fall Sundays - at 3:30 Lewis will leave the river near Lewis' house to go to Marnie's ranch. Marnie will have a special dialogue from 9:00 am to 3:30 am - "Lewis is coming over today. I got up early to clean. I want everything to be perfect for him." Lewis will arrive around 4:00 pm. They will walk over to the pier on the pond in Cindersap Forest. After arriving around 4:30 pm they will leave at 6:00 pm. They will have a special dialogue while there - Lewis will say "I've never really been to this place before. Before I married you, I never used to visit Cindersap Forest." Marnie will say "Oh Lewis. You know as well as I do that despite us not being married, you used to visit me a lo-Oh! Hello, [PlayerName]."
Winter Saturdays and Sundays - Lewis walks over to Marnie's house at 9:00 am, reaches around 10:00 am, and stands next to her behind the counter. Marnie closes shop at 5:00 pm and then she goes inside her room with Lewis. They will both have special dialogue - Marnie will say "Brr... It's cold. I hope my animals are warm." Lewis will say "Marnie, don't worry. They'll be fine." At 7:00 pm she and Lewis will walk to the Saloon, reaching around 8:00 pm. They will leave at 10:30 pm and Lewis will walk Marnie back, reach around 11:00 pm, and then he will walk back to his house, reaching around 12:00 am.

Renewing Wedding Vows
I think a cute idea could be that each couple renews their vows every year. This would start on Year 2+. Both of them would have to be at least at 4 hearts. Here are my ideas:
Caroline and Pierre - They would renew their vows on Spring 3. Both of them will have special dialogue - Caroline will say "Did you know Pierre and I have been married for over 20 years now?" Pierre will say "We may have our disagreements and differences, but above all Caroline and I love each other."
Demetrius and Robin - They would renew their vows on Winter 12. Both of them will have special dialogue - Demetrius will say (I have no idea what he should say! Leave some ideas in the comments please) Robin will say "Demetrius may not have been my first husband, but he is the best one, by far."
Evelyn and George - They would renew their vows on Summer 26. Both of them will have special dialogue - Evelyn will say "George has never been a romantic, but I love him anyway." George will say "Evelyn and I used to be so close when we were young... But I'm glad we haven't completely drifted apart."
Jodi and Kent - They would renew their vows on Fall 8 (enough time for the player to bring Kent to 4 hearts). Both of them will have special dialogue - Jodi will say "I've been married to Kent for... how long now? Hmm... well the only thing that matters is that we still love each other after all these years." Kent will say "Even after the war, the one thing that didn't change is that I still love my wife."

I think you should be able to ask the NPCs questions. Like when you click on them for dialogue, if they are above 8 hearts, you can ask them a question. Here's how it would work:
If you are at 8+ hearts with the NPC, you will have a minimum of 2 questions you can ask them. These opportunities only come around once a year, depending on your luck. So if you click on an NPC, like you usually do to talk with them, if you are at 8+ hearts there is a 1% chance that two options will pop up. Your luck will affect this chance. Here is an example of some questions: You can ask Caroline either one of these things - "Do you know who the Wizard is?" or "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter." They will have a special dialogue that will answer your question or statement. Once you've asked an NPC a question, you can't ask it again. For example, the two options for Caroline ("Do you know who the Wizard is?" and "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter.") will not change, except for the question you picked the first time will not be available anymore. (e.g. if you picked "Do you know who the Wizard is?" you can't pick that again, you have to pick the other option/options). Here are some questions that you might be able to ask the NPCs:
KEY - ??? means I'm not sure about this, please tell me what you think this should be in the comments.
- You can ask them either "What happened to your dad?" , "Why don't you ever study?" or "How did you become friends with Haley?".
Elliot - You can ask them either "When did you discover your passion for writing?" or "Who or what is your main inspiration for your book?".
Harvey - You can ask them either "Do you ever feel lonely?" , "Why don't you eat healthily although you always encourage your patients to do so?" or "What's it like being a doctor in the valley?".
Sam - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Penny? She's very different from Sebastian and Abigail.", or "Do you really think your band is going to be a success?".
Sebastian - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Sam?" , "Do you ever plan on asking Abigail out?" or "Who's your father?".
Shane - You can ask them either "Why did Jas' parents make you her godfather?" , "Why and when did you start drinking?" or "Why do you like chickens so much?".
Abigail - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Sam?" or "You know Sebastian has a crush on you, right?".
Maru - You can ask them either "How did you become friends with Penny?", or "Do you get along with Sebastian?".
Penny - You can ask them either "When did your father leave you?" , "When did your mother start drinking?" or "Do you ever plan on moving out of the trailer?".
Caroline - You can ask them either "I know Abigail's not Pierre's daughter.", or "Do you know who the Wizard is?".
Demetrius - You can ask them either "When did you first get interested in science?", or "???".
Evelyn - You can ask them either "Where did you learn to bake?", or "Was George always so grumpy?".
George - You can ask them either "Why do you hate everybody so much?", "How did you meet Evelyn?" or "What happened to your leg?".
Jas - You can ask them either "What happened to your parents?" , "Do you like Shane?", "Who's your favorite person in the valley?" or "What was your grandfather like?" (I got the inspiration for the last one from Jas' bedroom, where one of the text boxes in her dollhouse says "The little family is gathered around the dinner table. Wait... except Grandpa. He's wedged under the bed for some reason.").
Jodi - You can ask them either "Is Kent different after he came back from the war?" (Only in Year 2+) , "What's it like being a single mom?" (Only in Year 1) or "Are you worried about Sam's future?".
Kent - You can ask them either "What was it like in the war?" or "Why did you leave to go to the war?".
Lewis - You can ask them either "Do you ever think about settling down and marrying... maybe Marnie?" , "Why do you and Marnie keep your relationship secret?" or "Don't you think there's more to life than being Mayor?".
Linus - You can ask them either "How did you end up living like this?" or "Do you ever regret deciding to live like this?".
Marnie - You can ask them either "Why do you keep your relationship with the Mayor a secret?" , "Why does Jas live with you?" or "".
Pam - You can ask them either "Where did your husband go?" , "Stop treating Penny like she's dirt. She's your own daughter." or "Why do you live in a trailer?".
Pierre - You can ask them either "Do you ever get worried about the future of the shop?", or "Do you think Abigail is really your daughter?".
Robin - You can ask them either "Why did you leave your first marriage?", or "Who is Sebastian's father?".
Vincent - You can ask them either "Is Jas your best friend?", or "How did you feel about your dad going off to war?".
Wizard - You can ask them either "When did you leave the Witch?" , "Is Abigail your daughter?" or "I know you had an affair with Caroline.".
Again, I know there are a bunch of NPCs missing from this list (specifically Emily, Haley, Maru, Clint, Demetrius, Dwarf, Gus, Krobus, Sandy, and Willy), I just couldn't think of any questions that would be interesting, fit into the NPC's unique personality, and not be too repetitive. Please help with this in the comments!

Other suggestions
  1. When you get married, the villagers should say something about it! Every time I get married, the entire town ignores the fact that I'm a newly wedded woman, and I find that really annoying. So maybe they could say something along the lines of "I hope your marriage is as successful as mine." (if they're married to someone) or "I hope you enjoy the married life!" or even some recognition from people who used to have a crush on your spouse, such as Clint with Emily or Sebastian with Abigail. Maybe something like "*Sigh* I should have told her/him how I felt... Oh! Hi, [Player Name]." That would be much more interesting. I know that Alex does this if you marry Haley, but there are so many more romantic relationships in Stardew Valley that have never really been expressed!
  2. This is also a bit along the lines of my first suggestion. Did you ever notice how Alex says, "Hey, can you go find Haley and tell her I said 'hi'?” or “Hey, [Player Name]. Could you do me a favor? If you see Haley, tell her I'm busy. Thanks.” I definitely have. And I think that if you go talk to Haley after Alex has that dialogue (the same day) she'll say something like "Oh, can you tell Alex I said hi back?" or "Really? Hmm... wonder what he's busy with...?" It would add a lot more to the game's dynamic.
Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions! Please don't put any negative comments as I worked very hard on this (for longer than I should be admitting...) If you have any other ways to improve my suggestions, like I said, I'd love to hear your comments! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them! Thanks again :happy:
I really would like to see some relationships progress in the valley. You’ve come up with some incredible ideas! However, I think Marnie should dump useless Lewis and marry Marlon. I mean anyone who told me If our relationship became public it could damage their reputation would be GONE. But I do think most people are rooting for Marnie and Lewis. My favorite possible couple is Maru and Penny. I just think they would really work well as a couple. And they’re so cute!
I really would like to see some relationships progress in the valley. You’ve come up with some incredible ideas! However, I think Marnie should dump useless Lewis and marry Marlon. I mean anyone who told me If our relationship became public it could damage their reputation would be GONE. But I do think most people are rooting for Marnie and Lewis. My favorite possible couple is Maru and Penny. I just think they would really work well as a couple. And they’re so cute!
That is actually a great idea! I think there need to be a lot more same-sex couples besides just the farmer and (whoever you decide to marry)


Demetrius - You can ask them either "When did you first get interested in science?", or "???"
how about "how is your day going?" .
It can be a question for all of the npc's that varies depending on who you are asking. Such as...:
"How is your day going?"
" How are you doing? "
"How are you?"
" Are you having a good day? "