Comments: Off

Lew Zealand

That kinda kills feedback and discussion. Forums are pretty much all about that.

However being able to disable comments on your own Profile post could be a reasonable option.


Staff member
That feature is only available to staff, which we use for specific threads that should not contain discussion such as the pinned "Guidelines" threads that give section specific rules and information.

I really can't think of an instance where someone else would need that feature, as the purpose each thread on the forums is to create discussion, get an answer to a question, or receive assistance. In all cases, replies are part of the thread, and if a thread is created that seems to discourage replies or not allow for discussion, it is likely to be removed.

However being able to disable comments on your own Profile post could be a reasonable option.
Currently the forums allow people to manually delete replies to posts on their own profile, which allows people some control over their personal page on the forums. However, I don't believe there's any way for replies to be disabled entirely.


However, I don't believe there's any way for replies to be disabled entirely.
Does this only prevent people from posting new posts, then? As in, only I can post something on my profile, and others can only comment on posts I've made?

Not something I've ever used, and I only set it to Nobody for the purpose of that image. I would test it, but I'd need to make a second account to be able to do so.

As for the topic itself, I also agree it would defeat the point of forums if anyone could disable comments on their threads. Staff of course need that ability for news and rules threads and whatnot, but the rest of us really don't.