What has been your biggest mistake in Stardew Valley?

Lew Zealand

Waiting too long to start playing.

Oh! in-game. Donating my first Prismatic Shard to the Museum. I did not see a second one for another 3 saves and almost 200 hours.

Just remember you can re-do any day by quitting to title before 2:00am. I did not know about the game's save strategy with King Prismatic Shard the First.


Putting a huge (and I mean huge) batch of fairy rose honey, not once but twice into kegs for mead... Oh man so dumb.


Recently, in my excitement of reeling in a dinosaur egg, I completely forgot that you actually had to click the egg in order to put it in your inventory. Needless to say, I clicked OK without clicking the egg first, and ended up losing it. Even worse, I haven't found another dinosaur egg on that file since this incident. I'm hoping to get one from a pepper rex soon.


I had a chance to buy a duck feather in the merchant cart when it was the only thing left I needed in the dye bundle. I also think I have a tendency to pay more for the fruit sapling at the cart then I would have otherwise spent at pierres.

I usually either forget to water my crops or feed the animals (pre-deluxe coop or barn), especially when it's a "good luck day" and I'm trying to go fishing or mining as soon as possible.


I accidentally blew up part of my farm and failed to notice I had destroyed my crystalarium. It took me 2 in-game days to notice, too late to swap to a previous save. That was a huge loss in year 1 of a foraging based farm.


There might be little mistakes here and there, but not much hurts like donating the prismatic shard to the museum before getting the sword in the desert. But that was a while ago and I never did it again. ;)


Sorry, but how does one accidentally blow up their farm?
I've done it before, accidentally switched to a bomb for the mines and blew up my crystalorium
I did it exactly like Person090- I was heading to the mines and didn’t notice I had clicked on a cherry bomb when I stopped to check the mail box. I also once blew up my living room while gathering bombs for the mine- fortunately there was nothing of value in my house. I might have a problem.


I donated a dinosaur egg without knowing I can hatch it :(( I hunted like crazy for Peppy Rex and they aren't being generous...>_> but I finally got one :) when fishing and apparently, it didn't take me long. Talk about luck xD