Is corn a fruit or a vegetable?

Corn classification as a fruit or vegetable depends on context.

Corn is a vegetable in a culinary sense as it is used in dishes in a way similar to leaves and stalks.

Corn is botanically a fruit as the kernels are developed from an ovary. They're specifically a caryopsis which is when the seed is attached to the fruit.

As for whether or not it is dry. I consider it to be moist. Mostly dry but some wetness in them but that's probably because I've mostly eaten it cooked and the kernels absorb the moisture when being cooked


Local Legend
Corn classification as a fruit or vegetable depends on context.

Corn is a vegetable in a culinary sense as it is used in dishes in a way similar to leaves and stalks.

Corn is botanically a fruit as the kernels are developed from an ovary. They're specifically a caryopsis which is when the seed is attached to the fruit.

As for whether or not it is dry. I consider it to be moist. Mostly dry but some wetness in them but that's probably because I've mostly eaten it cooked and the kernels absorb the moisture when being cooked
Well, when I talk about corn being dry I'm talking about a raw, freshly harvested chonk of corn. They seem more or less kinda wet to me, but to be fair, I know rice has to be dried out before shipment as well
Well, when I talk about corn being dry I'm talking about a raw, freshly harvested chonk of corn. They seem more or less kinda wet to me, but to be fair, I know rice has to be dried out before shipment as well
I have often cooked fresh corn, straight off the stalk, still in the husk, directly in a fire with no water. It is not dry. To make cornmeal, the corn is dried- if you've ever cut the corn off the cob, like at a barbecue, or for a child, you can see it's not going to turn into cornmeal like that.


Bananas are a weird one- a banana tree is actually a grass, and the edible part of most grasses is the seed. But bananas are definitely a fruit. And as I said before, it comes from a plant and you can eat it, so it's a vegetable.
wait.. bananas are monocots, like dates and coconuts and garlic and grass, but they aren’t really grasses, right? Hence the possibility of a berry. (Aaaaarrrggg, couldn’t help myself, had to look it up, grasses are family Poaceae, bananas are Musaceae.)

lots of appreciation for the botany and linguistic nerdery here.


Local Legend
I have often cooked fresh corn, straight off the stalk, still in the husk, directly in a fire with no water. It is not dry. To make cornmeal, the corn is dried- if you've ever cut the corn off the cob, like at a barbecue, or for a child, you can see it's not going to turn into cornmeal like that.
Any meal in which you eat corn, is corn meal
lots of appreciation for the botany and linguistic nerdery here.
I mean, it's a beloved farm game. I'm kinda glad for all the nerdiness flying around rn tho