Solved Lost Watering Can [iOS]


Hi all, I am a newbie in this forum. I need help! I lost my watering can, I tried doing the suggestions I found in different threads. Like searching to all the wooden chest, checking all the fridge, I also checked lost and found item at Mayor’s house. But I couldn’t find it. Worse is, according to my research, there’s no way I can buy a new one. What to do? I’m in my Winter year three. 😭

Lew Zealand

@bernienja Your watering can is in the shed, in the fourth chest:
View attachment 24891
Hi Pathoschild, in an attempt to help someone with a similar request in the future, I'm trying to understand the mechanics of locating the Watering Can in this instance and I see this:

<Item p3:type="WateringCan"><isLostItem>false</isLostItem><category>-99</category><hasBeenInInventory>true</hasBeenInInventory><name>Watering Can</name><specialItem>false</specialItem><SpecialVariable>0</SpecialVariable><DisplayName>Copper Watering Can</DisplayName><Name>Copper Watering Can</Name><Stack>1</Stack><initialParentTileIndex>280</initialParentTileIndex><currentParentTileIndex>282</currentParentTileIndex><indexOfMenuItemView>303</indexOfMenuItemView><stackable>false</stackable><instantUse>false</instantUse><isEfficient>false</isEfficient><animationSpeedModifier>1</animationSpeedModifier><upgradeLevel>1</upgradeLevel><numAttachmentSlots>0</numAttachmentSlots><attachments /><BaseName>Watering Can</BaseName><InitialParentTileIndex>280</InitialParentTileIndex><IndexOfMenuItemView>303</IndexOfMenuItemView>

Is the location of the Shed on the Farm coded as 280 with the tile in that Shed as 282 and the location in the Chest inventory as 303? If 'no' then LOL I'll end it there!

If so then what resource would you recommend reading about to learn about how these numbers translate into locations on the Farm. SMAPI documentation or something more/less/else? Thanks!


@Lew Zealand I added a debug command in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9 which lets you find items in the current save:
> debug whereItem "Watering Can"

Found 1 item matching name 'Watering Can':
- Farm > Shed at 50, 14 > Shed149bae63-2add-4ab6-a5aa-b3bd76372004 > Chest at 4, 4 > Watering Can ((T)CopperWateringCan)
But in the meantime, the location is encoded in the XML structure (not the fields like initialParentTileIndex). You can format the save file and then check which elements contain the item.

For example, that save file has:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <GameLocation p3:type="Farm" xmlns:p3="">
                    <indoors p3:type="Shed">
                                    <Object p3:type="Chest">
                                            <Item p3:type="WateringCan">
So reading down the structure, you have:
location (farm)
    building (shed)
       indoor location
           chest at tile (4, 4)
Finding items by reading the save file is a bit tedious though, so the debug command in 1.6.9 will be much easier.