Pam doesnt let me on the bus


I repaired the bus and talked to Pam but it was too late in the day to go anywhere so I left the conversation without really reading it. And now I cannot get on the bus. I talked to Pam and she just makes small talk. I gave her a pale ale. Still nothing. What am I missing

Lew Zealand

I repaired the bus and talked to Pam but it was too late in the day to go anywhere so I left the conversation without really reading it. And now I cannot get on the bus. I talked to Pam and she just makes small talk. I gave her a pale ale. Still nothing. What am I missing
You buy your Bus ticket from the little kiosk to the lower left of the bus, not from Pam directly. However if you want to give Pam a Pale Ale before buying your ticket to the Desert in order to have a more entertaining ride there then you can do so, but some people hold off and thank her for a job well done with the drink after returning, for role playing purposes and all.


You can go to the desert only when:
1) Pam is present at the bus.
2) Strictly at a time frame, between 10:00 am and 17:00 pm.
3) She has left a sign behind, reading; "you can use the bus yourself" (something along those lines).
4) You have built the Desert Obelisk, from the wizard tower.
5) There is no festival day, during which most NPCs aren't accessible, or cannot be found in their normal routes... Exception to that is obviously the desert festival!

P.S. It might be obvious, but you don't board the bus or talk to Pam directly; you must buy a ticket from the machine, southwest of pam.