1.6 Update Cute Fishing bobbers and Joja route mastery cave


Sooo I have yet to figure out a couple issues with 1.6.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get those cute little duck fishing bobbers. I gave the golden bobber to Willy like he asked and he treated it as a hated gift. Is there something I’m missing?

Also I went Joja route once and grandpa wouldn’t give me the mastery cave goods even after reading the books and getting all the stars. Is this a punishment for going with Joja or something? No matter it was a just for fun file but I do wonder if it’s intended.

Lew Zealand

OK I finally went and customized my fishing bobber in my current save just yesterday, lol and it's Fall Year 5. No need to rush things, right? Go all the way to the right and then up in Willy's shop and click on the thingy there and you should have access to the Bobber Switcher, however I don't know if access to that is locked behind hearts with Willy or something else?

OK I checked the Wiki as it's all new to me, you unlock more Bobbers when you catch more different Fish, up to 76 (out of 77 total). I didn't know there were that many different Fish in the game!

For the Mastery Cave, it's mostly unlocking recipes but you still need to craft the items. You receive the Iridium tools directly though, did you get the Scythe and the Rod?
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No everything stayed blank like I hadn’t done anything. Who knows. I was just wondering if anyone else had this trouble or if it’s intended by the game or just a fluke for me. I have a good save where I got everything with CC so I’ll just catch a lot more fish and see if that unlocks the cute bobbers. 😁. That means fishing which isn’t my favorite but hey if I get a cute bobber it might be more fun!


OK I finally went and customized my fishing bobber in my current save just yesterday, lol and it's Fall Year 5. No need to rush things, right? Go all the way to the right and then up in Willy's shop and click on the thingy there and you should have access to the Bobber Switcher, however I don't know if access to that is locked behind hearts with Willy or something else?

OK I checked the Wiki as it's all new to me, you unlock more Bobbers when you catch more different Fish, up to 76 (out of 77 total). I didn't know there were that many different Fish in the game!

For the Mastery Cave, it's mostly unlocking recipes but you still need to craft the items. You receive the Iridium tools directly though, did you get the Scythe and the Rod?
Thanks for the info.