Ideas for a Future Update!

Hey guys,

I wanted to start a discussion thread of what you would like to be seen added to the game in terms of a change process for the Valley. So for instance,
if you go the Community Center route, JoJo Mart goes bye bye and you get the movie theater or when you can upgrade Pams trailer to a house!
I love these community upgrades because they make the feel of the Valley change like a a real place and you can see the impact you have on the community in a more physical sense instead of just through dialogue.

An idea that I would love to see is to be able to build a small school for Penny. She teaches the kids in the community and I think it would be really cool if she had her own spot.

What are your ideas? Would love to hear them.

-Illusive Blue Chicken

Lew Zealand

Upgrade the Hat Mouse's dilapidated House into a dilapidated Mousehole. In a nice house of course.
Upgrade the Wizard's moldering old condemned converted Silo into a tower that holds itself up structurally instead of by questionable magic.
Upgrade Mr Qi to a real boy, with a real boy hat size and a personality.
Upgrade the Greenhouse to something that fits the Iridium Sprinklers' reach better.
Upgrade the Witch's Hut to something her Henchman can sublet so he doesn't leave the game and I can marry him.
Upgrade my memory with a nice in-game logbook which can remember my plans 'cuz I sure can't. Real simple things like: check Lewis' basement, finish reforesting the Train Crossing, interact with Clint more often now I'm married to Emily.
Build an Art Gallery for Leah. Totally because I want her to profit from these statues and not because I want to get rid of some of my house clutter on the side. Sometimes life provides... happy coincidences.
Build a shop for the Desert Trader so she can get some nice A/C and have room to stock stuff more often. I'm sure she'd like to unload those awful, bulky Staircases and Spicy Eel like even every other day and I'd just like her life to be a lil easier. I'm a very giving individual that way, always thinking of others.
Those are all great ideas! I do like the idea of changing out farm name. That would be awesome. I also like the idea of upgrading the greenhouse to better support iridium sprinklers.

I most like the Art Gallery for Leah! that would be fantastic! I mean honestly, they're all great ideas!

I just like the changing landscape over time. It's a visual way to see your achievements in game.


What i would like to see in a future update... Is for rare items to be added in Catalogues, if you find them once or more than once through normal gameplay. Decoration is complex and multilayered, we certainly need some quality of life updates; especially those of us who are obsessive-compulsive at collecting everything!

Also, the hat vendor should sell unlimited copies of rare hats, post you unlocking them through regular gameplay. I need more than one of Concerned Ape's mask, going Volcano for more than 1 Deluxe Pirate hat is a drag etc. Plus, it would be kind to cater to the much needed, player's convenience. I got my Tiger hat and i would like an easy way, of getting more than 1!

Likewise, those boots! Rubber, Thermal, Work (!) and Crystal shoes. There is too much work, or extraordinary luck involved, at getting yourself any of those, let alone all of them! And... I accidentally trashed my fished up work boots ages ago, due to lack of inventory space, due to thinking i would meet them again when not carrying much stuff around, later! Getting to those items once, should allow the Guild (Marlon) to sell them, right next to the regular, plain old footwear items of his. Same goes for rare weapons picked up, during your adventures.


Well I have this platonic 10 heart event idea. If you're married, you have the option (not requirement, just option) to move the marriageable NPCs to 10 hearts, and you get to see them realize their stated goals. Some ideas?

Penny gets that schoolhouse you describe, with what would have been her spouse room attached so she can get away from Pam.

Sebastian takes off for Zuzu city and writes from time to time to tell you how he's doing. Maybe he writes a Content Management System for the Zuzu City herpetological association.

Maru gets a grant from Nasa and builds a lab in the quarry.

Elliot - His book is optioned by a small independent filmmaker. The film joins the cycle of movies at the theater.

Lew Zealand

Well I have this platonic 10 heart event idea. If you're married, you have the option (not requirement, just option) to move the marriageable NPCs to 10 hearts, and you get to see them realize their stated goals. Some ideas?

Penny gets that schoolhouse you describe, with what would have been her spouse room attached so she can get away from Pam.

Sebastian takes off for Zuzu city and writes from time to time to tell you how he's doing. Maybe he writes a Content Management System for the Zuzu City herpetological association.

Maru gets a grant from Nasa and builds a lab in the quarry.

Elliot - His book is optioned by a small independent filmmaker. The film joins the cycle of movies at the theater.
Ooo ooo, can I play, can icani?

• Leah gets to open the Art Gallery in town. Free wine tastings of course to loosen up people and their wallets. And gotta sample everything for quality, sooooo.....
• Alex joins the Zuzu City Tunnelers as a cheerleader.
• Harvey opens up his secondary clinic in the next settlement over, Ibis Town. Mayor Paris sets him up in the town circle and recruits a young biotech student with dark eyes and hair and a jealous step-mother, named Mark.
• Sam goes on tour with the Monsters of Folk and ends up ghostwriting Top 40 hits for bands like Pentangle.
• Shane goes upscale and hosts wine-tasting events all around Ferngill with the featured event hosted in late spring in Pelican Town. Leah and Elliott are generally the most drunk by the time it's over but hey, PT is a walkable space. So it's mostly OK until someone replaces their usual Beach and Forest with a maze of Crystalariums and they're found passed out the next morning, charged 1,000g each by Marlon. I wonder where Shane got the money to start the events tour…
• Abigail opens a little stall next to the Museum offering taste tests of all the best minerals brought in by the Farmer.
• Emily opens up Handbags and Gladrags, her "secondhand" co-op store where she sells Crystals and Parrot Feather boas and whatever else she can find or create. Like the Desert Festival, when her suggestions completely fail she just claims it was an outfit someone else brought in. Yeah, that uh, person other there <points over your shoulder>. You turn to look and Emily disappears into the racks of blouses and skirts like a clothing wraith, not to be seen again for a fortnight.
• Haley opens a portrait studio, starting with headshots of all the young people in town only to find an eager buyer who'll strangely take all her stock for 2000g each. The buyer often tells Haley off-color pig stories and once in a long while Haley thinks she recognizes her, maybe down at the Docks on some late night but never... quite... puts it together. No matter, it's more money for clothing she can shuttle off to Emily's store after she gets sick of it!
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I would like to see Leah's art show become an annual festival.

It would take place in the bookseller's area and work similarly, so other shops are still open and you don't lose a day to it if you attend. Leah could sell three of several statues she cycles through each year (like the paintings at the Night Market).

She could be joined by a second art booth each year, that works randomly, like the booths at the Dessert Festival. Haley could sell a few photo prints; Emily could sell a few pieces of clothing (maybe work in some of those rare ones people complain about?); Eliot could sell unique books, bonsai, and roses; Robin could sell unique pieces of furniture; Shane could sell organic, hand-harvested eggs and milks; Evelyn could sell flower arrangements, tub'o'flowers & jumbo tub'o'flowers, and egg baskets.


I think I've mentioned most of these but I'll do a collected list. :smile:

- XL Sheds. The big chests are excellent for increasing storage but I'd like this option late-game, even if it's obtainable at the Wizard or Mr. Qi with a suitably big price tag.

- Larger backpack, same as above. There's been a lot of items added to the game, plus mechanics like the random furniture and shirt drops; Skull Cave and Volcano runs in particular can drop a large variety of non-stacking stuff now.

- Ability to store weapons, trinkets and fishing bobbers in dressers - or a dresser-equivalent for them, eg tackle box or weapons locker. Toggle for dresser UI between the current 'list' form and a 'grid' like the chests.

- Make some very common items recycleable or otherwise processable into a bit of material. eg: Bone Swords into bone fragments, Lead Rods into iron ore. For stuff that doesn't go in the deconstructor.

- Added options for Golden Clock, individually toggle-able: prevent bare trees in autumn, prevent spouse changing walls/floor. If I've put down flooring that cost 100k casino tokens or hung wallpaper that's only availble from one NPC vendor at the Desert Festival, I'd like it to stay put. (I will die on this hill 😆)

- Some sort of 'locate tools' function; I think we've all been there. Farm computer scan, wizard tracking spell, Junimo search party, something. Maybe the form of an 'if not in your inventory, move to Lost & Found' qualifier.

edit: later-game storyline for Lewis and Marnie to be together properly. Lewis takes his position of Mayor seriously because he genuinely cares about the community, but everyone knows about them already. Let him realize he doesn't have anything to be afraid of, and Marnie deserves more. Please? :heart:
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I think I've mentioned most of these but I'll do a collected list. :smile:

- XL Sheds. The big chests are excellent for increasing storage but I'd like this option late-game, even if it's obtainable at the Wizard or Mr. Qi with a suitably big price tag.

- Larger backpack, same as above. There's been a lot of items added to the game, plus mechanics like the random furniture and shirt drops; Skull Cave and Volcano runs in particular can drop a large variety of non-stacking stuff now.

- Ability to store weapons, trinkets and fishing bobbers in dressers - or a dresser-equivalent for them, eg tackle box or weapons locker. Toggle for dresser UI between the current 'list' form and a 'grid' like the chests.

- Make some very common items recycleable or otherwise processable into a bit of material. eg: Bone Swords into bone fragments, Lead Rods into iron ore. For stuff that doesn't go in the deconstructor.

- Added options for Golden Clock, individually toggle-able: prevent bare trees in autumn, prevent spouse changing walls/floor. If I've put down flooring that cost 100k casino tokens or hung wallpaper that's only availble from one NPC vendor at the Desert Festival, I'd like it to stay put. (I will die on this hill 😆)

- Some sort of 'locate tools' function; I think we've all been there. Farm computer scan, wizard tracking spell, Junimo search party, something. Maybe the form of an 'if not in your inventory, move to Lost & Found' qualifier.

edit: later-game storyline for Lewis and Marnie to be together properly. Lewis takes his position of Mayor seriously because he genuinely cares about the community, but everyone knows about them already. Let him realize he doesn't have anything to be afraid of, and Marnie deserves more. Please? :heart:
The Larger Backpack, is a must! From my dungeon visits, i always end up trashing more than HALF the loads i am carrying! From Skull cavern (extensive) descending with many stairs, i am forced to throw some nice treasure chest items, despite wanting to take them with me back home. Hell, due to not having a LARGER Backpack, was the reason that i trashed... The Work Boots, near the middle of the game.

Golden Clock extra options, sounds great. Autumn took me by surprise and lost a number of good trees, before. I didn't know they should be tapped at all times. Same applies for green rain, i think.

And that matter about the spouse... Please tell me that is not the case? Can the spouse change wallpaper and floor??? I thought they would only bring new decoration items inside, chairs plants etc.

Lew Zealand

And that matter about the spouse... Please tell me that is not the case? Can the spouse change wallpaper and floor??? I thought they would only bring new decoration items inside, chairs plants etc.
Yes I believe all spouses can do this but I've been married to Emily now for about 2 years and she hasn't changed a thing nor has she added any Chairs or other items. My feeling is that if your house is already customized (I've done WAYYY more in this save in-House than any other), it may reduce the chances the spouse makes those interior changes.


Yes I believe all spouses can do this but I've been married to Emily now for about 2 years and she hasn't changed a thing nor has she added any Chairs or other items. My feeling is that if your house is already customized (I've done WAYYY more in this save in-House than any other), it may reduce the chances the spouse makes those interior changes.
I am married for ~6 years to Haley. She added 3 indoors plants, a chair, a bed end table.

Lew Zealand

I am married for ~6 years to Haley. She added 3 indoors plants, a chair, a bed end table.
She got you a bed! I didn't know they could buy those. In my Beach Farm save I'm married to Haley and after 2 years of marriage she bought 2 chairs and a plant. And I only minimally customized the interior of that house, whereas in my current Emily save there's very little floor space which wouldn't result in blocking a walkway if something was added. Hmmm… close to none now that I think about it, wow that house is quite extensively decorated. That could prevent the spouse from adding anything as they get annoyed when you have so much in the house that they can't pathfind.


She got you a bed! I didn't know they could buy those. In my Beach Farm save I'm married to Haley and after 2 years of marriage she bought 2 chairs and a plant. And I only minimally customized the interior of that house, whereas in my current Emily save there's very little floor space which wouldn't result in blocking a walkway if something was added. Hmmm… close to none now that I think about it, wow that house is quite extensively decorated. That could prevent the spouse from adding anything as they get annoyed when you have so much in the house that they can't pathfind.
Not a bed, but an "end table" of the type that you place next to a bed. Specifically, a "Modern End Table"!