Inspired by Concerned Ape, so I'm solo developing a game!

Neat Games

At first I tried a Stardew-like game, but that was way too hard for me... Coding something like that is so hard haha.

So for the last 2 years I have been making a simple Metroidvania(Hollow Knight genre) in my free time.

I'm trying to have lots of exploration and secrets with simple combat and bosses, with bit of a cozy feeling.

Please check it out here:

NEW VIDEO HERE: (I went to my first indie game festival in Korea!)

You use a magic spear and the Lifebloom (nature magic)


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Amazing! It looks really nice in your video. c: It's something of a dream for me, too. What would you recommend learning to achieve this, and how did you learn it? I have the art skills, but not the programming skills.


Lookin' awesome! If you keep up working on projects like this you'll totally have the skills to code a stardew-like game whenever you want to.

Neat Games

Amazing! It looks really nice in your video. c: It's something of a dream for me, too. What would you recommend learning to achieve this, and how did you learn it? I have the art skills, but not the programming skills.
Just go for it!! I had 0% coding experience when I started, just like learning a new language it just takes practice :D

If you wanna try how I learned, I did this.
I use Unity (it has the most tutorials and industry jobs)
I looked up how to make a simple game, like an endless runner, or space shooter, or top-down shooter, or flappy bird, etc.
I did the tutorial and learned how the engine works,
Then I joined a game-jam on (1 week or 2 week contest)
And a made a game using whatever the game-jam theme was. (like a top down shooter + cryptid creatures)
I made like 20 game-jam games and after I felt like I was good enough I started trying to think of what my first commercial game would be, and here I am now :D
(I think game-jams are great because they force you to finish a game and get actual blind game play feedback, trying to get playtesting/feedback outside of a game-jam is 20 times harder. Plus you get in the habit of finishing projects and helps you get used to getting harsh, or nice, feedback)