what's something you do in game that is considered almost criminal by other players?

I would do this, too, if the flowers didn't wither when their season ends. I love flowers, but I hate to see them wilt and wither.
(For the same reason, I dislike receiving cut flowers in real life, and have in fact requested I not be gifted any.)
This is why the back row of my greenhouse is all tulips. :D The only mod I've downloaded (but not yet tried to install because there are a lot of dependencies and I'm not confident I have everything) is one that adds more flowers.


This is why the back row of my greenhouse is all tulips. :D The only mod I've downloaded (but not yet tried to install because there are a lot of dependencies and I'm not confident I have everything) is one that adds more flowers.
I guess I could use my garden pots and deluxe retaining soil for zero-maintenance, eternal tulips in the greenhouse. I don't really have any better use for the pots. I crafted a bunch because I planned to put something in them, but changed my mind.


Local Legend
Ok I think I can post a few more safely...

1. I sell the starting parsnip seeds

2. Never decorate my house, I just keep chests and machines in here at all times

3. I use a small sized bed when married to save the 3 tiles of space, my spouse complains they had to sleep on the floor... (This one I actually feel bad about but I'm too deep in)

4. Never personally name animals

5. Never pet or interact with my animals, autopetters and autograbbers do everything

6. Never upgrade my hoe or watering can

7. Religiously use basic sprinklers, never use iridium ones

I'm constantly looking behind my shoulder at this point, I don't know how many more of these I can spit out without being in serious risk...


Ok I think I can post a few more safely...
7. Religiously use basic sprinklers, never use iridium ones

I'm constantly looking behind my shoulder at this point, I don't know how many more of these I can spit out without being in serious risk...
I can see motivation for the other items on the list, but WHY don't you upgrade your sprinklers?


Local Legend
I can see motivation for the other items on the list, but WHY don't you upgrade your sprinklers?
Well they have massively diminishing returns, the jump from basic to quality is considerable enough to bother with but not quality to iridium, it’s only like 7% more efficient when looking at sprinkler tiles vs tiles watered which is the most valuable metric.

I’d much rather use batteries on crystalariums which will have far more impact on my money making. Late game I’ll sometimes upgrade but often I don’t even bother with crops then.

Lew Zealand

Well they have massively diminishing returns, the jump from basic to quality is considerable enough to bother with but not quality to iridium, it’s only like 7% more efficient when looking at sprinkler tiles vs tiles watered which is the most valuable metric.

I’d much rather use batteries on crystalariums which will have far more impact on my money making. Late game I’ll sometimes upgrade but often I don’t even bother with crops then.
Yes, I almost never change over to Iridium Sprinklers as the few extra tiles aren't worth the cost or hassle to redesign. I end up with a few of them though from Skull Cavern Treasure Rooms and you get one or 2 elsewhere in the game I think? I'll reorg my Greenhouse for those as they come in but not always. They get dumped to Ginger to be surrounded my Mixed Seeds.


Well they have massively diminishing returns, the jump from basic to quality is considerable enough to bother with but not quality to iridium, it’s only like 7% more efficient when looking at sprinkler tiles vs tiles watered which is the most valuable metric.

I’d much rather use batteries on crystalariums which will have far more impact on my money making. Late game I’ll sometimes upgrade but often I don’t even bother with crops then.
Not a bad reason. I did eventually go with iridium sprinklers just because I wanted the 3X3 tiles for giant crops.


I cheat.

I use CJB Item Spawner like it's my extra backpack. I use the tractor mod, especially in the mines. I'm invulnerable when I'm on it and I just have to set there and let the monsters throw themselves at me and then die. AND I use staircases to get to level 100 of the skull cavern. probably 98 or 99.

But in my defense, I play this game mostly to relax. Striving for something--gold, items, crops--is NOT relaxing for me. I spend my time talking to the villagers and gifting everyone. I am currently working on getting to 10 hearts with all the singles. I play both SVE and the vanilla game. I used to play exclusively on my tablet, but once I discovered Mods, and I can't figure out how to mod on my tablet, I have converted to PC play. And I am having a blast.
Ok I think I can post a few more safely...

1. I sell the starting parsnip seeds
I've seen other players sell the parsnip seeds to invest more in cauliflower, but doesn't that slow down Farming progress? Also, by basic sprinklers do you mean basic-basic sprinklers or the improved ones? I never build basic sprinklers, just go straight for improved ones.


Oh I thought of another one: I've always preferred Tracker over Botanist as the Foraging perk. It doesn't matter too much now since you've been able to re-spec with the Statue of Uncertanty, but I like the convenience of having things marked - partly because it covers artifact spots and panning spots as well as just the foragables, and I like shiny things. :cool:


Oh I thought of another one: I've always preferred Tracker over Botanist as the Foraging perk. It doesn't matter too much now since you've been able to re-spec with the Statue of Uncertanty, but I like the convenience of having things marked - partly because it covers artifact spots and panning spots as well as just the foragables, and I like shiny things. :cool:
And I always pick Forester into Lumberjack. Never touched the Gatherer branch. :cool:


Local Legend
Yes! I this a try on my newest save. They are critical machines, but get me in a lot of trouble at times.
One of the things that's pretty cool about them is that their special attack attacks 3 times in one hit. They're definitely harder to use than most other weapons, but they're a ton of fun.