So I'm running quite a few mods, and this is my first time playing through a modded game. However, I'm in the middle of Fall Year 1 and have had no issues prior to this. I just finished the section of the Community Center that restores the farm's greenhouse. However, I can't go inside. When I go to the door it just makes a clicking noise and nothing happens. I don't have any mods that directly change the actual layout of the greenhouse other than SVE (? I think? I haven't actually played this mod through before so I think it changes the greenhouse but I'm not positive). I uninstalled Medieval Buildings by Gweniaczek since that does change the way the building looks and I thought it might be messing with the door, but it didn't change anything. I've tried moving the greenhouse to multiple other locations around the farm to no avail.
This morning I ran my game and checked my SMAPI log and everything was fine. Then I went to the greenhouse and clicked on the door and then checked my SMAPI log again and it had multiple loops of the same error:
[game] An error occurred in the base update loop: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
at Netcode.NetList`2.get_Item(Int32 index) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetList.cs:line 22
at StardewValley.Buildings.Building.doAction(Vector2 tileLocation, Farmer who) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Buildings\Building.cs:line 1000
at StardewValley.GameLocation.checkAction_PatchedBy<Goldenrevolver.HorseOverhaul__PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures__tlitookilakin.HappyHomeDesigner>(GameLocation this, Location tileLocation, Rectangle viewport, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Farm.checkAction(Location tileLocation, Rectangle viewport, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Game1.<>c__DisplayClass899_0.<tryToCheckAt>b__0()
at StardewValley.Game1.tryToCheckAt(Vector2 grabTile, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Game1.pressActionButton(KeyboardState currentKBState, MouseState currentMouseState, GamePadState currentPadState)
at StardewValley.Game1.<>c__DisplayClass952_0.<UpdateControlInput>b__0()
at StardewValley.Game1.UpdateControlInput(GameTime time)
at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime)
at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
This morning I ran my game and checked my SMAPI log and everything was fine. Then I went to the greenhouse and clicked on the door and then checked my SMAPI log again and it had multiple loops of the same error:
[game] An error occurred in the base update loop: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
at Netcode.NetList`2.get_Item(Int32 index) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Network\NetFields\NetList.cs:line 22
at StardewValley.Buildings.Building.doAction(Vector2 tileLocation, Farmer who) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Buildings\Building.cs:line 1000
at StardewValley.GameLocation.checkAction_PatchedBy<Goldenrevolver.HorseOverhaul__PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures__tlitookilakin.HappyHomeDesigner>(GameLocation this, Location tileLocation, Rectangle viewport, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Farm.checkAction(Location tileLocation, Rectangle viewport, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Game1.<>c__DisplayClass899_0.<tryToCheckAt>b__0()
at StardewValley.Game1.tryToCheckAt(Vector2 grabTile, Farmer who)
at StardewValley.Game1.pressActionButton(KeyboardState currentKBState, MouseState currentMouseState, GamePadState currentPadState)
at StardewValley.Game1.<>c__DisplayClass952_0.<UpdateControlInput>b__0()
at StardewValley.Game1.UpdateControlInput(GameTime time)
at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime)
at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!