1.6 Update New Dwarvish Translation Guide bug?


A strange bug has happend to me after installing the new update.
On my save file I have already unlocked the dwarvish translation guide.
But after I updatet my game the guide is just gone. I can`t talk to the dwarf in the mines anymore and also can`t read the tombstone on the graveyard.
After checking in the museum the scrolls where still there but the slot for dwarvish translation guide in the new menu section is just black.
I have locked online for a solution but I couldn't find any other post about this big.
Does anyone also have this bug or does someone has an idea how to fix it?
Because I got no clue.
I am still quiet new to the game and I don`t want to make a ne save file just because of this bug.
Have you slept in game yet? I had a few items turn invisible after the update (I'm using version 1.6.1 on Linux) and they all returned to normal after I slept the first day.


My Dwarvish Translation Guide is also gone. :cry: All scrolls are still in the museum. I tried moving them around (an old "fix" I found on Google), but that did not help. I tried buying a chicken and naming it 326 (another Google-found suggestion), and while that DID drop the book, I could not read/learn it; I can only place it on surfaces. I am at a loss as well.


Yes, same happend to me, except i havent unlocked it yet and it appeard to me. I ve allready contacted stardew support.


I have similar problem tho i never got the translation guide on my new world even tho i donated all scrolls


My Dwarvish Translation Guide is also gone. :cry: All scrolls are still in the museum. I tried moving them around (an old "fix" I found on Google), but that did not help. I tried buying a chicken and naming it 326 (another Google-found suggestion), and while that DID drop the book, I could not read/learn it; I can only place it on surfaces. I am at a loss as well.
UPDATE: I put the book that I could not learn (read above) into a chest for the time being. I removed it from the chest today to move it to a different place, and when I removed it from its chest, I learned it again. So, this seemed to fix my problem for the time being. I hope this helps someone!


UPDATE: I put the book that I could not learn (read above) into a chest for the time being. I removed it from the chest today to move it to a different place, and when I removed it from its chest, I learned it again. So, this seemed to fix my problem for the time being. I hope this helps someone!
thank you


A strange bug has happend to me after installing the new update.
On my save file I have already unlocked the dwarvish translation guide.
But after I updatet my game the guide is just gone. I can`t talk to the dwarf in the mines anymore and also can`t read the tombstone on the graveyard.
After checking in the museum the scrolls where still there but the slot for dwarvish translation guide in the new menu section is just black.
I have locked online for a solution but I couldn't find any other post about this big.
Does anyone also have this bug or does someone has an idea how to fix it?
Because I got no clue.
I am still quiet new to the game and I don`t want to make a ne save file just because of this bug.
UPDATE: I put the book that I could not learn (read above) into a chest for the time being. I removed it from the chest today to move it to a different place, and when I removed it from its chest, I learned it again. So, this seemed to fix my problem for the time being. I hope this helps someone!
THANK YOU. This happened to me to, and your fix worked for me!


How does naming a chicken 326 get you the book?
326 is the item ID for the Dwarvish Translation Guide. When you use the item ID to name a chicken, the item associated with the ID will drop once. You actually have to name it 326 but put brackets around it. So your chicken's name would be [ 326 ] without any spaces. This works with lots of items in game. There is an item list for reference at https://stardewlist.com/
Note: If you don't want a chicken named 326, just sell it later.


326 is the item ID for the Dwarvish Translation Guide. When you use the item ID to name a chicken, the item associated with the ID will drop once. You actually have to name it 326 but put brackets around it. So your chicken's name would be [ 326 ] without any spaces. This works with lots of items in game. There is an item list for reference at https://stardewlist.com/
Note: If you don't want a chicken named 326, just sell it later.
Or you can just change its name. The id system should work for all items in the game now as it was supposedly overhauled in 1.6


326 is the item ID for the Dwarvish Translation Guide. When you use the item ID to name a chicken, the item associated with the ID will drop once. You actually have to name it 326 but put brackets around it. So your chicken's name would be [ 326 ] without any spaces. This works with lots of items in game. There is an item list for reference at https://stardewlist.com/
Note: If you don't want a chicken named 326, just sell it later.
So if I name the chicken [326], will it "lay" the book, like an egg?


There’s a new dwarvish translation to gather in 1.6? Awww man! 😖


I know that this thread is dead, but something completely opposite happened to me, i had a game save from the 1.5 or around there, and when I came back to playing this game, I talked to the Dwarf without having the 4 scrolls on the museum, only having 3.