Hi! It's been a while since I've been on here. I can't quite say I've shaken my addiction/love for this game because I haven't, but I'm a senior in college now and I feel like I never have time to play anymore!! It sucks, but I had to get on for 1.6. I wish I'd been on earlier, but I had an assignment due at 8:00 AM (still not fully complete) so I was up all night and working all day! 
Anyway, this is just going to be a thread of things I'm thinking about (whether they're related to 1.6 or not) regarding the state of the game, new stuff I'm finding, theories I'm formulating, etc. I'll be avoiding the rest of this website to hopefully not run intomore spoilers, but maybe expect them here? Sorry if any of this is redundant!
To start, I'm a total nerd and immediately noticed the new hourglass loading sprite in the main menu!
I've been looking forward to this so much that I may have kind of pathetically screamed over that LMAO. I think it's just setting in that the update is finally here. Before even opening the game though, I beelined to the achievements and was so glad to see how many new ones there were. I'm a little disappointed I didn't reach perfection before this update came out (which was the goal), but I'll still be getting almost all the new ones immediately. I think I just have to retrigger these events, so I'm trying that now! So far though, I'm really pleased with all the small quality-of-life/UI updates! For example, a check under the tasks available on the Help Wanted board that tells you if you've completed them or not, a menu for all the NEW special items?! I'm so excited. Admittedly, I think having all the animals you pet is a little bit much/makes the menu feel a bit crowded, but hopefully someone finds that useful.
As a game design major, I'm no longer allowed to have fun playing games, so expect a bunch of nitpicky comments lol.

Anyway, this is just going to be a thread of things I'm thinking about (whether they're related to 1.6 or not) regarding the state of the game, new stuff I'm finding, theories I'm formulating, etc. I'll be avoiding the rest of this website to hopefully not run into
To start, I'm a total nerd and immediately noticed the new hourglass loading sprite in the main menu!

As a game design major, I'm no longer allowed to have fun playing games, so expect a bunch of nitpicky comments lol.