Posting the image from OP for those that don't have or no longer have access to twitter:
After checking the forum, it seems that two more hints about update 1.6 from ConcernedApe were not shared, so here we go:
It looks that some items that couldn't be processed previously, now can be. At least Horseradish can now be kegged. And being a big fan of foraging, I'm glad with this change!
Giant Qi Crops! The Giant Crop family is expanding! That will add more creativity options for those who like to decorate their farm with giant crops. The real question is: will Giant Qi crops disappear once the quest is over? We know that in 1.6 we will no longer be able to exploit Pierre's to keep Qi beans/fruits after the quest is done, so I expect the same logic to applies to Giant Qi Crops, but who knows...
I get your point, though I'm unsure that having a 5x12 (or even 6x12) storage chest implies that more inventory expansions are in 1.6. In the previous update, we got two 3x3 storage items (Junimo chest and Mini-shipping bin) and they had no impact on inventory nor any other existing storage item.that screams 5 rows imo which I think spells potential inventory expansion, I’m trying not to jump through too many hoops though.
After checking the forum, it seems that two more hints about update 1.6 from ConcernedApe were not shared, so here we go:
It looks that some items that couldn't be processed previously, now can be. At least Horseradish can now be kegged. And being a big fan of foraging, I'm glad with this change!
Giant Qi Crops! The Giant Crop family is expanding! That will add more creativity options for those who like to decorate their farm with giant crops. The real question is: will Giant Qi crops disappear once the quest is over? We know that in 1.6 we will no longer be able to exploit Pierre's to keep Qi beans/fruits after the quest is done, so I expect the same logic to applies to Giant Qi Crops, but who knows...