Another thing about Peaches and Pomegranates (both cost the same) is that they can be turned into Preserves very easily, only needing around 2-3 preserves jars per tree to keep up with demand, which gives you something useful to do with your preserves jars once you get to the point that you're not planting any small berries in your yard anymore. And daily peach/pomegranate preserves gives a greater profit per day than even hops into pale ale.
Assuming Artisan perk, peach or pomegranate preserves cost 461g/ea, and are produced daily. Hops turned into Pale Ale sell for 420g/ea and produce daily. By contrast, Ancient Fruit sells for 2,310g/ea and takes a week, so divide by seven and we get 330g/day. Starfruit is even worse, on a per-day basis. 3,150/ea but taking two weeks to produce means a daily yield of 225g. Even with Deluxe Speed Gro (which has its own cost if you aren't making it, which has infrastructure costs), you're still looking at 315g/day, which still won't compare to Ancient Wine, much less Pale Ale or Peach/Pomegranate preserves.