So, I have a save that is at I think Summer 8, Year 1 and I have fishing to level 5, mining to level 4, farming to 3 as well as foraging 3 and combat 3. But I really want to get to level 8 fishing by somewhere near Summer 26. I can't figure out a good way to get xp quickly. I have a fiberglass rod and the fisherman perk. I also have 1 crab pot placed down. I also want to know how to get my mining and farming level up fast. I'm really struggling with leveling my farming. I have a sprinkler system set up but it can only fit the crops that I'm growing right now and I can make more but then waste energy manually watering them as I am at a loss for copper right now, which I can get but just isn't something that I am ready to do because I've tried to farm copper without trying to progress in the mines but I'm at level 55 of the mines currently and I have a ton of iron ore but not as much copper. I have one of each summer crop other than melons growing currently, with melons being i think around 35 planted on my farm currently for the quality crops bundle. I have the others growing for the summer crops bundle as you could most likely infer. So, in short- I have three questions. How do I level fishing and mining fast? How do I level farming quickly? How do I get a bunch of copper and iron ore as well as coal quickly?