Stardew Valley Anthropological Research Survey

Hello all! I'm a university student doing an online anthropology project on how people play Stardew Valley and how people interact with this forum. If you're willing, please fill out this survey so I can gather some data for my project! Everything will be kept anonymous, and I am not recording usernames and emails, I just want some numbers and short answers. Thank you!
Stardew Valley Ethnographic Survey


Yes absolutely! My Project is due on October 7th, so I would publish results around then!
That's great, thank you. I might suggest the question "What do you use the official forum for?*" allow multiple choice. All of the answers are good and it's not an accurate reflection to have to pick only one. I believe in the survey design software realm, it's multiple choice checkbox versus single choice radio buttons.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Though the age ranges can depend on where you look, I've always been pleasantly surprised at how varied the audience for Stardew is! I think most older (40+) folks I interact with are here or email, but they're still in a ton of other social spaces too-- the Discord has probably as many teenagers as it does people in their late 20s, with 40+ folks still appearing here and there. It brings some culture (age?) shock when you visit a different community that has a much more focused age group.... and it also saps your patience....


The age groups cracked me up. I CAN'T be the only retired person here. My KIDS are all past 35.
Yeah, I found the many tiny age groups and then the huge one "after 35" hilarious as well. This game was introduced to me by somebody around age 35 and I'm a lot older than that. I can see that the small groupings might be of significance in analyzing gaming trends, but for some of us "35" is not the terminal decrepitude the questionnaire makes it out to be. Also, I feel the last question on the questionnaire in particular is not very well written. Five unlabelled categories between "Daily" and "Almost never" is going to give you extremely subjective, variable, and not very correlatable answers.