Out of curiosity, I found a way to beat the first two screens of Prairie King
without even looking at the screen. I just placed myself in a corner and kept pressing on the keys to shoot diagonally. Pretty sure I was reading a book or something during that time. Unfortunately, it doen't work for level 3 since the enemies require too many hits for this strategy to work. Also, it leaves you vulnerable since you wont have any money for upgrades. I haven't touched JotPK since, as I do not enjoy it, but it was a fun experience finding this cheese.
Junimo Kart on the other hand... I'm sad. I'm sad because I really like the game, but there are a lot of issues that make it unenjoyable to me (lenghty rant from three years ago
here). It has the potential to be a game with a steady learning curve, but the way the game is set, it is instead heavily reliant on luck, and makes being able to practice different levels a chore since you kind of have to relearn the entire game from scratch every time. I guess Ca probably wanted to make the game hard (an understandable choice), but it ended up being unplayable.
As for the easier of the two to finish, both are quite luck-based, I'll say JotPK as it seems to give the player more options to find an optimal strategy,
especially with the new save function. If Junimo Kart had a similar save function, then it would be easier as the gameplay is easier to learn/memorize.