Does anyone play on the wilderness farm layout?


Does anyone ever choose the wilderness farm layout?
If you did
What drew you to it?
How were the first few nights since your not able to get a weapon untill the mines open up?


I don't play on that layout, but I like to turn monsters on. You can use the scythe until the mines open. And if you don't feel like fighting off monsters, just finish outdoor chores before nightfall.


Before I tried it, I assumed it was going to be several monsters each night. It turned out to be a slime, which was easy to deal with.

Because occasionally an animal will resist going back into the barn, I believe you need to ensure your animals are back in the barn each night, so they don't get taken by a monster. It didn't happen when I tried the wilderness farm, but maybe someone else can confirm this happened to them.


Before I tried it, I assumed it was going to be several monsters each night. It turned out to be a slime, which was easy to deal with.

Because occasionally an animal will resist going back into the barn, I believe you need to ensure your animals are back in the barn each night, so they don't get taken by a monster. It didn't happen when I tried the wilderness farm, but maybe someone else can confirm this happened to them.
when animals can’t get back inside (e.g. you closed the door or there is a gate in the way), they can disappear, but this is possible on all farm types.


Before I tried it, I assumed it was going to be several monsters each night. It turned out to be a slime, which was easy to deal with.

Because occasionally an animal will resist going back into the barn, I believe you need to ensure your animals are back in the barn each night, so they don't get taken by a monster. It didn't happen when I tried the wilderness farm, but maybe someone else can confirm this happened to them.
I've never had to worry about animals not going inside at night. If they don't seem to be finding their way back in the early evening, enter any building or leave the farm, and then come back. They will re-spawn back inside where they belong. So, basically, when you enter your house to go to bed, you're effectively tucking your animals in at night at the same time. I leave the doors open spring through fall and have never lost an animal to an attack.

You will usually hear or see monsters before they get to you, so you can mostly outrun them if you don't want to fight. I set up my inventory so that I always carry all tools, a weapon, and some food at all times, so I'm prepared for anything (this does limit my inventory space A LOT). The monsters are like a mild nuisance and I make turning them off with the shrine a goal for my farmer. I think the biggest impact to my game was that I got a lot of essentially free bat wings.

Oh, and very important: DON'T keep a napalm ring equipped if you have monsters on. This is usually the last or second to last ring I obtain, so I generally don't even think about it, but it's something to keep in mind if you like to bomb skull cavern a lot and yet don't want to destroy your farm when you come home at night.


I don't play on that layout, but I like to turn monsters on. You can use the scythe until the mines open. And if you don't feel like fighting off monsters, just finish outdoor chores before nightfall.
Oh i forgot about the sycthe, which is odd becuase i love using sycthes as weapons in games.
Maybe on my next farm ill try to play with monsters. Might make the game have just a tad bit more depth when your being huanted by monsters even out of the mines!


Before I tried it, I assumed it was going to be several monsters each night. It turned out to be a slime, which was easy to deal with.

Because occasionally an animal will resist going back into the barn, I believe you need to ensure your animals are back in the barn each night, so they don't get taken by a monster. It didn't happen when I tried the wilderness farm, but maybe someone else can confirm this happened to them.
What types of monsters appear? Does it change as your farm progresses or as you progress in the mines?


What types of monsters appear? Does it change as your farm progresses or as you progress in the mines?
Per the wiki: "Monsters spawn at night (scales with the player's Combat level)."


I've never had to worry about animals not going inside at night. If they don't seem to be finding their way back in the early evening, enter any building or leave the farm, and then come back. They will re-spawn back inside where they belong. So, basically, when you enter your house to go to bed, you're effectively tucking your animals in at night at the same time. I leave the doors open spring through fall and have never lost an animal to an attack.

You will usually hear or see monsters before they get to you, so you can mostly outrun them if you don't want to fight. I set up my inventory so that I always carry all tools, a weapon, and some food at all times, so I'm prepared for anything (this does limit my inventory space A LOT). The monsters are like a mild nuisance and I make turning them off with the shrine a goal for my farmer. I think the biggest impact to my game was that I got a lot of essentially free bat wings.
"Mild nuisiance" was a perfect description. Thanks for clearing up that nothing terrible happens to animals who stay out at night on the Wilderness Farm. Certainly closing the barn door as @Ereo mentioned might cause a problem. Sometimes it's fun thinking back to one's first game and all the assumptions made about what's required. I dutifully opened and closed the barn doors every morning and night. And built so many fences actually thinking the animals would eat the crops.


Per the wiki: "Monsters spawn at night (scales with the player's Combat level)."
I didnt know about the wilderness Golem. Going to have to start a new farm to check it out!


I dutifully opened and closed the barn doors every morning and night. And built so many fences actually thinking the animals would eat the crops.
Doing as you did does make it a lot easier to pet all your animals in the morning before you let them out, so it's not a bad routine to have. It also helps to keep pigs fenced in, to make sure they wander around in an area of bare ground to dig up truffles.

Since my farmer is at the endgame now, I fully embrace the chaos and run around the farm for hours looking for animals to pet in the fields of grass. It is hilariously inefficient but is way more fun than refilling kegs. (I have eight coops and one barn. I have a LOT of animals to pet.)


Doing as you did does make it a lot easier to pet all your animals in the morning before you let them out, so it's not a bad routine to have. It also helps to keep pigs fenced in, to make sure they wander around in an area of bare ground to dig up truffles.

Since my farmer is at the endgame now, I fully embrace the chaos and run around the farm for hours looking for animals to pet in the fields of grass. It is hilariously inefficient but is way more fun than refilling kegs. (I have eight coops and one barn. I have a LOT of animals to pet.)
what inspired so meny coops?


I have a wilderness farm. The main reason I made it, is to fit the background I set for one of my farmers: being a fighter who would focus on increasing combat above all else. Wilderness farm seemed to be the perfect one.

In fact, having to fight random monsters on a regular basis is a real help in increasing combat skill. Depending on nights, one can encounter only a single slime or bat, but sometimes this is half a dozen of monsters that come one after the other.

Monsters get more and more harder as the combat skill increases and at last level, the farmer can be attacked by iridium bats or slimes and by shadow brutes. This gives access to valuable loot like iridium ore or void essence without leaving the farm. The only real downside is when you are in a hurry to plant/harvest or do whatever you need to do on the farm before 2AM and that many monsters appear and attack, especially bats that can ignore pathing. This can prevent you to finish in due time, but this adds to the fun of wilderness farm.