It's usually about what you used first to train your fingers. So if you got used to Switch controls, then that's where you're most comfortable interacting with the game. Half our interaction is the input scheme and once the monkey has been trained, sometimes it's tough to retrain said monkey to do the same task a different way. I play on PC/Mac primarily but also play on mobile and Switch, and mobile is the toughest for me with Switch coming in the middle. I find it a bit maddening sometimes to know what I need to do but to catch my fingers during siesta or in the midst of a revolution and refusing to perform the commands the brain is issuing.

You need to do this now!

...meh, —what? zzzz.....

mmmpphp.... listen, eh we're in the middle of... something so you can chill, ok?

you do this with the mouse and KB all the time!

duuuuuuuuuddeee..... we got that farmed out to the cerebellum and spinal cord like
ages ago, go bug them....

Like have you noticed the eyes are closed half the time "we're" workin', they know where it's at.

Whaaaaat? <clomps to the front of the bus> now look here eyes, we need to have a talk!

<nasty looks to fingers>

<snorting and guffawing, drifting off...> zzzzzz......