Unofficial mod updates

I'd like to add my request for this as well. While part of its functionality has been included into the base game, not all of it has.

For one, I liked not having to clutter my farm with multiple bowls just to get more pets, or spending weeks to get my pet's heart meter to max just to adopt more pets. It was also really cute walking into Marnie's and seeing that pet snoozing in the corner, waiting to be adopted.

I also enjoyed walking to the bus shop or into the forest and finding a wild horse to adopt. I loved having multiple horses and creating a stable on my farm for all of them.
I second this! (Or would it be third? lol) I really hope someone will tackle this and update the Adopt 'N' Skin mod

As much as it's cool you can now adopt multiple animals in 1.6 vanilla, I actually still prefer the Adopt 'N' Skin way to adopt pets for the same reasons above listed, as well as the whole "Skin" part of the mod NOT being in the game. Its just simplistic and easy to use as a mod, especially when it comes to adding new skins


Would love to see Breeding Overhaul updated for 1.6 and switching from JA, BFAV, and PFM to Content Patcher. Not sure if the SMAPI code needs updates or not!

Also StarAmy's BFAV Farm Horses; that one is all JSON so I could probably figure it out myself with some work, but maybe someone out there is faster than me (who's just learning Content Patcher after 8 years of not modding, haha)


still looking for Cuter Mines to be updated to 1.6 it makes the mines much more cuter and relaxing 💕 ty



I updated the JoysOfEfficiency ( to 1.6.

Things that WORK in this version:

AutoFisher, Auto Water Nearby Crops, Auto Pet Nearby Animals, Auto Eat, Auto Harvest, Auto Destroy Dead Crops, Auto Collect Collectibles, Auto Dig Artifact Spot, Show Shipping Price, Auto Loot Treasures, Auto Pick Up Trash.

If not in the list above then does not work in game even with the configs still on, if the mod author does not updates I will try to fix the rest in the near future.

Only tested in PC/Windows, if it is bugged and does not break or crash the game I will only be fixing with the addition of the rest of the features.


edit2: the branch that I use is this one by Hackswell:
edit3: updated was not loading
You are an angel.


If someone wouldn't mind taking time to look into updating Better Garbage Cans by Aair, that would be fantastic! This mod's a must-have for my siblings and I and it seems like Aair hasn't been active in a long time. Please and thank you very much! Here is the Nexus Mods link, and the link to the GitHub repository is in the description of the mod page!


A huge thanks to everyone working so hard to update the mods!!

I'm also hoping for an update to Adopt n' Skin! I'd try to look into how it could be done, but I'm honestly not sure where to even start. :(

I also prefer the adoption method here, as well as the skins. I have a folder of tons of skins that I personally have made as well as conversions of a few others, and I would really like to continue using them if possible.


Could someone update this? please?


What do you like about Sauvignon? I ask because I have done a couple of the unofficial versions of the mod, but this time it requires a total redesign as it uses outdated methods to get the building into the game. Since if needs so much work I was considering doing a who new mod from the ground up based upon Savignon, but I am not sure what parts of the mod are most liked.
I love and miss sauvignon, i liked the distiller skill and the boost to production and aging speed inside the building, plus one or 2 of my favorite building redesign mods had the winery in their set of buildings. I would be so happy if you remade it better than new!


Hey there! I was so impatient to try and get all the mods I am using up to date to version 1.6 that I ended up tackling all the bfav mods I had and converting them with the BFAV2CP utility by AnotherPillow on GitHub....I have no means to test them right now, because my save is still unusable, but I'll be starting a new save file just for testing and if everything works decently I could share them :) In theory, if someone was willing to help testing them I could also put them here :blush:
In total I have:

BFAV crows, BFAV Phoenixes, BFAV Asian Animals, BFAV Alligators, BFAV Axolotls, BFAV Bears, BFAV Cute Mushroom Gnomes, BFAV Deers, BFAV Donkeys, BFAV Dust Sprites, BFAV Dragon Quest Slimes, BFAV Fairy Chickens, BFAV Fennec Foxes, BFAV Hermit Crabs, BFAV Kitsune, BFAV Monkeys, BFAV Griffins, BFAV Owls, BFAV Parrots, BFAV Pigeons, BFAV Robot Chickens, BFAV Seagulls, BFAV Squirrels, BFAV Sorcerer's Apprentice Broom.

I just have to check precisely what permission the authors gave, so I know I'm ok with sharing, because I've never done anything like this :gasp:
OH I CAN HELP !!! i have no idea how to go about testing things, do I make a new save with one of the bfav mods and check if everything is working and stuff?? i don't know a lot about this but I promise I will help, you are so awesome for converting them!!!!! we can keep talking on here, or my discord is queenoftrolls with a little crying emoji as the pfp :blush: :blush: :ghost: :ghost: :smile: :smile:


Well okay, actually i need a few Mod Updates anymore

1. Prismatic Tools (last unofficial:
2. Tool Geodes, i need it because it is better then the ingame possibilities. (last version:
3. Pelican Fiber (last unofficial:
4. Custom Crystalarium (
5. Better Crafting (
6. Fishing Info Overlay (
7. Everlasting Baits And Unbreakable Tackles Mod (
8. Harvest Seeds ( (( I Know here is an alternative: (MYC) Realistic Crops ))

i were very happy, thanks i advance :)