Sites list world seeds with day one ancient seed, early fairy, or two, but there is another feature that can be used for a fun start in spring - rain chains - multiple rainy days close to each other. It can be crops watering skip day but if there are enough rainy days you may plant crops and never manually water them! 6 rain days for potatoes or kale, and 7 for spring seeds.
Seed: 401737999 - early rain, good for cafish fishing if you can handle it at low fishing levels... nothing special though
Seed: 401995590 - post-festival 6 rainy days + 1 later on. You can use that with strawberries, or you can farm gold and buy A LOT of kale or potato seeds. 30 000 gold is almost 425 kale or 600 potato seeds. Profit-wise 600 potatoes is equal to around 140 strawberries planted post-festival... but 600 is a way cooler number :P
The game can start as usual, but getting wild seeds should be priority - get CC unlocked at day 5, get seeds at day 6 and plant them + whatever you can craft so you have many more of them for the 13th:
Clear the fields for the seeds and then:
This used most of my stashed iridium Chubs for energy :P
Seed: 401737999 - early rain, good for cafish fishing if you can handle it at low fishing levels... nothing special though
Seed: 401995590 - post-festival 6 rainy days + 1 later on. You can use that with strawberries, or you can farm gold and buy A LOT of kale or potato seeds. 30 000 gold is almost 425 kale or 600 potato seeds. Profit-wise 600 potatoes is equal to around 140 strawberries planted post-festival... but 600 is a way cooler number :P
The game can start as usual, but getting wild seeds should be priority - get CC unlocked at day 5, get seeds at day 6 and plant them + whatever you can craft so you have many more of them for the 13th:
Clear the fields for the seeds and then:
This used most of my stashed iridium Chubs for energy :P