The one thing that I have never been able to find a mod for and really really want in stardew valley is the ability to become the wizard's apprentice. He mentions that he's looking for one, and then it never comes up again! After completing the community center, I miss having something to collect specific items for. If I was the wizard's apprentice, I could have various quests to collect items for spells. Or even if there was no option to become his apprentice, maybe he hires an apprentice at the beginning of year 3 or 4 (new character shows up mid game like Kent did!) who agrees to make potions/spells for the farmer as long as the farmer brings him/her/them the required ingredients plus pay money. It could either be like cooking or like building something via Robin.
I definitely feel the need for more magic in my stardew valley experience now that the junimos are gone (I don't really like the idea of bringing them back just to work on my farm...). We could get very short term boosts from spells/potions like +2 speed, being able to move through walls, all critical strikes (aka super strength), etc. Obviously these would have to last only like 30 min - 1 hr game time or something to avoid them being over powered. I like this because of the magic, because of the idea of gathering specific items for a purpose again, and also because I don't want to download "cheat" mods but I do think there are times I would like to have small boosts that work with in-game logic and limitations.
I definitely feel the need for more magic in my stardew valley experience now that the junimos are gone (I don't really like the idea of bringing them back just to work on my farm...). We could get very short term boosts from spells/potions like +2 speed, being able to move through walls, all critical strikes (aka super strength), etc. Obviously these would have to last only like 30 min - 1 hr game time or something to avoid them being over powered. I like this because of the magic, because of the idea of gathering specific items for a purpose again, and also because I don't want to download "cheat" mods but I do think there are times I would like to have small boosts that work with in-game logic and limitations.