Where is WhiteEagle12?


Local Legend
I know it's none of my buissness but, does anyone know where whiteeagle12 went or has talked to him since his last community post a couple weeks back?
Again, it's not my place to ask but he was such a integral part of the cummunity and I miss his presence and personality as do quite a few of you probably.
Just wondering, if this post violates any rules too just let me know and I will take it down asap.
Thanks guys, have a good day/night/eve/morn.

Lew Zealand

He did say he had some things to do or concentrate on for a little while, could be school or something else. People come and go, sometimes in fits and starts depending on how life's treating them. He'll likely be back, he seems to like it here.

And then some people find this place and never leave, even after 2 years or whatever. Like a roach motel.

Dunno anyone like that...