where is the best way to get prismatic shards and radioactive ore?


Hello all, on my best days i get maybe 1 or 2 shards and like maybe 20 radio active ore, where is the best place to farm these items?
Radioactive Ore? I farmed large quantities in my previous save. Just finish the 2 quests Mr.Qi gives, that enable Dangerous mines and Dangerous Skull Cavern. Post completion, visit both places and activate the altar, so as they become Dangerous permanently.

Radioactive Ore is best farmed with:
1) Very Lucky Day
2) The deeper the floors, the bigger the chances to find nodes
3) Food/drink buffs help but at a minor fraction
4) Make sure to pick the Blacksmithing profession (cannot remember the lvl 5 one), which makes you find more ore and sell bars more expensively. If the Statue from Farming mastery also gives you randomly the buff for extra ore all day long, all the better for you, really!

Prismatic shards was a pain for me, always. Forgetting all about them and going Skull Caverns, or seeking Mystic Nodes in the quarry and pretty much any dungeon, usually works.

Lew Zealand

imnvs gave away the easy method but if you want more Prizzy Shards a bit earlier in the game:

Skull Cavern
High Luck Day
Luck Buffs (Lucky Ring, Lucky Lunch or Pumpkin Soup or Magic Rock Candy if you got it)
your favorite load-out

Stairs down to about Level 100
Bomb ore dense areas
Stairs down when bombing done
Stairs down if the level is too infested. Do not waste time with monsters, if there are too many then skip the level for a better one.

I do not mix/max this, just play it for fun and to my advantages and get 3-4 Prizzy Shards in each run. Record is 7. Low is 3.
For radioactive ore, you would want to have dangerous mines active. Reset floor 1 over and over again and do this on a day with both high daily luck (purple star) and luck level (magic rock candy best food. Qi ginger ale is alright but I prefer triple shot espresso)

A pickaxe with swift is nice for breaking the nodes but a slingshot filled with explosive ammo is better. You can also place down a staircase and use explosive ammo on it as EA explodes on contact with stairs. For rings double iridium band + glowstone is the best as magnetism helps collect ore further away from you

As for prismatic shards, I recommend the skull caverns and going deep down there as iridium nodes have a 3.5% chance of dropping them and those nodes get more common as you delve deep. I recommend getting a lot of bombs, slingshot with explosive ammo, non buff food (cheese, salads), buff food and drinks that increase speed and/or luck (Spicy eel + triple shot espresso being a good combo). Staircases help alot and setting up jade crystalariums help. Also do this on a day with high daily luck since they help with ladder pacing and ore nodes are more likely to cluster. For rings, I'd do double iridium band and lucky)

What I've written here should be simple. I could add in more details if you want, and for those they may require more strategy


Thanks so 75 or deeper for skull cavverns and I have the mines already on dangerous I just turned it on for the radioactive ore, it seems its going to take me forever to get it for the recipes to craft stuff and to buy the things from the island trader, I been thinking to just go through qui for the 3 items to make my weapons stronger.


Thanks so 75 or deeper for skull cavverns and I have the mines already on dangerous I just turned it on for the radioactive ore, it seems its going to take me forever to get it for the recipes to craft stuff and to buy the things from the island trader, I been thinking to just go through qui for the 3 items to make my weapons stronger.
If you ultimately want the galaxy souls to forge infinity weapons, they are also a rare monster drop. I usually get enough that I don't have to buy or trade for them.


I do have a question on radioactive ore, so if I reset the mines again to floor 1 and work to 120 with ladders as long as the quest is active the ore will already spawn a lot? or does it not work like that like the legend 2 fish quests, or do I need to have the quest active to spawn more radioactive ore? as for prismatic shards I need either to spend days and days in level 100 plus of the skull mine or need to get perfection maxed out to get 1 daily? I'm at like 50% on perfection, I'm prepping to get all the cooking done right now leaving me just a few things like the 8 elusive relics I think for the museum.

i should check on the perfection level I do know I need the clock, the hero title, ship all items etc I have been working hard at it and now I'm in year 8.


Radioactive ore can spawn anywhere as long as dangerous mines are active, which you can toggle on/off after the first time you complete the quest. Most people reset certain floors over and over, but I am way too ADHD for that.


Local Legend
For radioactive ore, you would want to have dangerous mines active. Reset floor 1 over and over again and do this on a day with both high daily luck (purple star) and luck level (magic rock candy best food. Qi ginger ale is alright but I prefer triple shot espresso)
Not a fan of this method. You have such a low chance for radioactive nodes on level 1. You'll be resetting that level a LOT. When I'm to the point where I'm hunting radioactive ore I'll have multiple crystallariums (I've been known to do a full shed) pumping out jade and trading them for staircases in the desert. I've often had multiple stacks of staircases in storage, and by that I mean more than two. Then when I want to dive the mine it's easy to grab a stack and just spam them down to level 100. It doesn't take that long and then I'll be getting a LOT more radioactive ore in just a few floors than you could get from resetting level 1 all day.
A pickaxe with swift is nice for breaking the nodes but a slingshot filled with explosive ammo is better. You can also place down a staircase and use explosive ammo on it as EA explodes on contact with stairs.
This, however, I agree with. I always bring my slingshot loaded with explosive ammo for mine runs. I just start firing at every monster/wall near a node as quick as I can, gather up the ore still lying around while defending myself, probably have already found a staircase, take it down... and repeat.
Stairs down if the level is too infested. Do not waste time with monsters, if there are too many then skip the level for a better one.
See, I like what Albino Chipmunk was talking about with the sling and explosive ammo. Monsters make it easier to get such explosives off, though not likely to kill the monsters. Just start firing at anything that moves as you appear on a new floor and gathering up ore as it appears, and then you're likely to find a staircase.


im still trying to learn to use a master slingshot with explosive ammo, I use a controller so its kinda difficult to get the aim just right nowever as a side note I started a new save to play around and I heard if you put your name as a code for 74 every time someone calls your name a presmatic shard comes out so I tried it and it works, lol


For prismatic shards
Day 1, get into the quarry by chair glitch, dig that purple rock, and see what if you get the prismatic shards, if you didn't, quit game and try again