When will mobile get an update?


It's been a while since mobile got updated and i wish someone could just tell me the exact date for the next update. i've been playing for few days now and some part of the mobile version is really buggy, can someone please just tell me when will they update the mobile version?


Which parts do you experience as buggy?

I'm not sure if the update includes many bug fixes, I think it was more of a content update.
For an example the slingshot for mobile. I can't change direction when im using the invisible joystick & 2 button option. It's hard to change the trajectory and i'll always waste ammo while trying to shoot it. Second of all the cutscene is pretty buggy, sometimes it won't start at all and i'd miss most of the information. Overall it's great but need fixing, if you ask me wether it's worth it to pay $4.78 dollars for it then i'd say yeah but im still not satisfied with the game. I'm just waiting for the 1.5 updates and hopefully it'll be better


I'm hoping the slingshot will be changed because the mechanic was changed for the other systems. I tend to forget I have it.

I have no problems with the cut scenes except that they start at the same zoom level that I'm at and then sometimes not all text is readable. Since on mobile we have pinch to zoom I change the level quite often, so it's a bit annoying. Never noticed that they wouldn't start or anything else.


For an example the slingshot for mobile. I can't change direction when im using the invisible joystick & 2 button option. It's hard to change the trajectory and i'll always waste ammo while trying to shoot it. Second of all the cutscene is pretty buggy, sometimes it won't start at all and i'd miss most of the information. Overall it's great but need fixing, if you ask me wether it's worth it to pay $4.78 dollars for it then i'd say yeah but im still not satisfied with the game. I'm just waiting for the 1.5 updates and hopefully it'll be better
The slingshot is pretty hard to use on mobile (I don't use virtual joystick, only tap and hold). It's best to stand still before using it, but that's not always easy when monsters come at you.

As for the cutscenes, like Ereo, I have no issues with them (aside from the zoom/screen ratio that can cut part of the information sometimes). However, there is a little "Skip" button on the top right of the screen (IIRC), depending on how you hold your mobile device, you may accidentally tap on it, preventing the cutscene from starting.